
JAKARTA - The Indonesian government has confirmed that it will not export new renewable energy or EBT abroad. The reason is that the existing supply is for domestic needs considering that the electricity mix from clean energy nationally is still at 11.7 percent. Minister of State-Owned Enterprises Erick Thohir said the ban on the export of new and renewable energy is the same as the Domestic Market Obligation (DMO) policy for coal. and cooking oil, which requires business entities to meet domestic needs first. "We as an independent country must prioritize domestic needs over the needs of other countries, but that does not mean we are anti-foreign. We will continue to do what we did with coal and palm oil. ," Erick said in a statement quoted by Antara, Friday, June 3.

He further said that the government's decision to ban stun exports is a normal policy because the country needs new and renewable energy. Moreover, the government is now actively encouraging the development and development of green industries in the country. "When a country needs renewable energy, it is prioritized domestically before going abroad, that's fine," said Erick.

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