
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the West Java Regional Settlement Infrastructure Center (BPPW) of the Directorate General of Human Settlements has completed the revitalization of Situ Bagendit in Garut, West Java.

This arrangement is a follow-up to President Joko Widodo's visit to Garut Regency on April 26, 2019.

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono said the availability of adequate infrastructure would accelerate the development of tourist destinations.

"For tourism, the infrastructure must first be repaired, then new amenities and massive promotion events. If this is not ready, tourists will come once and will not come back again. That's what we have to take care of properly," Basuki said in a written statement, Thursday. June 2nd.

Situ Bagendit arrangement began in November 2020 and was completed in 2022.

The regional structuring budget is sourced from the PUPR Ministry's APBN in the amount of Rp. 87.73 billion which is carried out in a Multi Years Contract (MYC) 2020-2021 with the Implementing Contractor PT Adhi Karya.

Situ Bagendit arrangement is carried out on an area of 2.8 hectares which is divided into six zones.

Zone 1 is for public tourism, zone 2 is culinary area, zone 3 is green school area, zone 4 is commercial area, zone 5 is water sports area and zone 6 is mosque area and conservation.

The scope of work includes the construction of a 6 km jogging track, a lotus park, a playground, a culinary center, a restaurant, a floating mosque, and a selfie bridge.

Meanwhile, Head of West Java BPPW Oscar Siagian said the revitalization of Situ Bagendit was a collaboration between the Ministry of PUPR, Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Transportation, West Java Provincial Government and Garut Regency Government.

"In structuring this area, the PUPR Ministry also involves the Directorate General of Water Resources through the Cimanuk Cisanggarung River Region Center," said Oscar.

Oscar added that West Java BPPW builds on the surface, namely regional planning.

Meanwhile, BBWS Cimanuk Cisanggarung builds in water bodies and at the border in order to maintain the sustainability of the function of the lake for natural resources services.

Meanwhile, the Garut Regency Government itself plays a role in controlling the floating cages that are mushrooming in Situ Bagendit.

Head of BBWS Cimanuk Cisanggarung Ismail Widadi added, Situ Bagendit as a protected area which is also used as a tourism area, its function must go hand in hand between the function of maintaining and preserving the environment and economic function.

"BBWS Cimanuk Cisanggarung carries out protection and preservation as a form of conservation activity through the management of facilities and infrastructure in water bodies at the border in order to maintain the sustainability of the function of the lake for natural resources services," said Ismail.

The Situ Bagendit area arrangement is expected to be able to improve the economy of the surrounding community and re-invigorate tourism in Garut Regency.

The Situ Bagendit area has been opened to the general public on the 2022 Eid holiday and has received great enthusiasm from the community.

Based on data from the Garut Regency Government, on the second day of the Lebaran holiday, visitors to Situ Bagendit reached 10,000 tourists. Ticket prices are set at IDR 10,000 for adults and IDR 5,000 for children.

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