
JAKARTA - The more recovering economic conditions make various businesses vibrant. This spirit is continuously developed by J99 Corp through an event entitled Management Entrepreneur Days 2022 at FEB-UB Malang 24-25 May.

Carrying the theme Rise and Shine: It's Business Time, it is considered appropriate to stimulate the country's economic revival.

PT Kosmetika Global Indonesia (Kosme Grup) as one of the J99 Corp business units on this special occasion was also present with the theme "Trust Your Products with Us and Be a Beautypreneur".

Students don't have to wait long to become a businessman, while in college they can explore business opportunities. The cosmetic business which is currently one of the most popular creative industries, Kosme is ready to join hands with all parties, including students who are interested in becoming a beautypreneur.

“The cosmetic and body care business has had a fairly high growth and has become an industry that is resistant to pandemics. We provide complete services as a cosmetic business with PT Kosme," said Titis Indah Wahyu, Director of PT Kosmetika Global Indonesia in a written statement, Wednesday, May 25.

Titis Indah Wahyu said that PT Kosme had succeeded in bringing a line of celebrities, influencers and the general public as beautyprenurs with a row of successful care brands in the market. For this reason, students and the public can use this opportunity by becoming the brand owner of cosmetic products by contacting the website or IG @ptkosme.

"We are sure, as the country's economic conditions improve, it will lead to an increase in the cosmetic industry. Where the market is enthusiastic about welcoming new products. So, of course, this opportunity can be used by becoming a beautypreneur,” he added.

PT Kosme has also provided a series of one stop services as a beautypreneur, making it easier for anyone to have their own cosmetic brand. Titis also added that throughout 2022 PT Kosme has planned to increase its captive market by exploring cosmetic markets abroad such as Malaysia, Abu Dhabi, Turkey and several other countries.

J99 Corp indeed bridges students to achieve higher success by doing business at this special event.

"As long as students can read opportunities, are tenacious and can fulfill market demands, they can become excellent businessmen," said Suluk Waseso Segoro as Human Resources Director of J99Corp who was present as one of the speakers on Management Entrepreneur Days.

He said that post-pandemic is actually the right time to enter as a businessman by taking advantage of opportunities that can be used with the creative industry. Students as with their enthusiasm and creativity can certainly take advantage of this opportunity by starting to become entrepreneurs/entrepreneurs.

"J99 Corp is concerned with encouraging the entrepreneurial spirit and moving forward. Together with one of our business units, of course, it can be put to good use," he added.

The Vice Dean I of the Faculty of Economics and Business-UB, Ainur Rofiq, SE, MM, Ph.D, also expressed the same thing as the opportunity as a businessman after the pandemic is very wide open. Students can try various creative industries, one of which is cosmetics and body care.

“We have provided scientific and practical knowledge as businessmen, it's time for them to apply the existing knowledge by becoming beautypreneurs. This is a pretty good opportunity for success in the future,” concluded Ainur Rofiq.

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