
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Banking Development Institute (LPPI) announced the resignation of Mirza Adityaswara as LPPI President Director on 23 May 2022.

Mirza's resignation as the President Director of the LPPI is in connection with his new duties as Deputy Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of the Financial Services Authority (DK OJK), and concurrently Chair of the Ethics Committee, for the period 2022-2027.

This is based on the results of the Commission XI DPR RI consensus meeting on the results of the fit and proper test in mid April 2022.

As the acting president director, the LPPI appointed Edy Setiadi, who currently serves as the LPPI Director until the definitive appointment of the new LPPI president director.

"LPPI expresses its highest appreciation and thanks to Mr. Mirza Adityaswara for his contribution and dedication during his two years of work," said Head of the Corporate Secretary Division of LPPI Prima Firiasari in a written statement, Tuesday, May 24.

Prima said, since the beginning of his leadership, Mirza Adityaswara has set an example to the next generation of LPPI of the importance of establishing communication externally and internally.

"So that the LPPI is able to get through difficult times during the pandemic by encouraging various efforts to develop services and improve training methods, in line with strategic efforts that pay attention to social and environmentally friendly issues as the implementation of sustainable finance practices," he said.

This is manifested in the LPPI corporate planning by placing the LPPI as the Center of Sustainable Finance Knowledge (CSFK) and one of the SDGs Centers established by Bappenas since 2019.

Now when the financial industry is entering a new era along with the advancement of digital technology, LPPI continues to show its commitment to providing training that is in accordance with technological developments and since 2021.

"LPPI is further strengthening itself as a training provider institution that is ready to serve the needs of clients both online, offline and hybrid," said Prima.

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