
JAKARTA - Executives Global Network (EGN), a network for executives and CEOs, is meeting for the first time since its establishment in March.

Co-Founder and Managing Director of EGN Singapore, Nick Jonsson explained, EGN is a place for business leaders to discuss work challenges, gain new perspectives, and share expertise.

For its first meeting, EGN brought together 20 CEOs and provided a facilitator to discuss solutions to problems faced by each CEO.

"Earlier there were 20 members who attended from various large companies such as Michellin, Astra Honda Motor and many more. By the end of the year we are targeting 100 new CEO members to join our network," he told VOI, Tuesday 24 May.

However, Nick said, he is not so concerned with quantity but network quality so that EGN members really get experience and solutions they face when facing challenges within the company they lead.

Nick explained, as the highest leader in the company, CEOs often face situations of feeling lonely or executive loneliness, one of which is driven by the COVID-19 pandemic that affects the company.

"It is often difficult for them to find discussion partners who are commensurate with their level. For this reason, with this EGN, they can find CEO friends with different backgrounds so they can exchange experiences according to the cases and difficulties they have experienced in their respective companies. -each," explained Nick.

Dona Amelia, Co-Founder and Managing Director of EGN Indonesia, on the same occasion revealed that it plans to engage Indonesian state-owned companies to develop its network so that it will have an impact on the economy and people's welfare.

"One of our big dreams is to be able to attract CEOs of state-owned companies or Indonesian governors so that they can share experiences with each other," said DOna.

For information, EGN was founded in 1992 in Denmark and provides a place for leaders to share struggles, celebrate success, gain new perspectives, and learn new skills and promote critical thinking and collaboration.

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