
JAKARTA - Bank Mandiri has launched a mutual fund investment feature on the Livin' by Mandiri application to serve customer needs.

Bank Mandiri Deputy President Director Alexandra Askandar said, to enjoy this feature, customers only need to register by accessing the Livin' Investment menu on the Livin' by Mandiri application with the yellow logo and filling out a risk profile questionnaire to find out which mutual fund products are suitable.

"The presence of Livin' Investasi is a form of Bank Mandiri's commitment to provide financial solutions for customers that are complete and relevant to the needs of society in the digital era," said Alexandra at the launch of Livin' Investasi in Jakarta, Monday, May 23.

He added, customers also don't need to spend big capital, with the Livin' Investment feature, customers can buy mutual funds starting from Rp. 100,000.

Customers can also monitor their portfolio anytime and anywhere more practically in one application.

Alexandra said that this feature will be very attractive to customers, especially the millennial generation who are interested in allocating their funds into investment instruments.

This is because mutual fund investment instruments are registered and supervised by the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

The Livin' Investment feature, continued Alexandra, provides various conveniences for customers. One of them, the customer can determine the type of portfolio according to the risk profile including the amount of investment.

This means that customers do not need to switch applications to make purchases or payments, everything can be fulfilled directly at Livin' by Mandiri.

In addition, users do not need to bother with top-ups to invest regularly, because it is equipped with a periodic investment feature via auto debit from a Bank Mandiri savings account.

"We hope that business adaptation through digitizing transactions for investment products can expand target segmentation and more integrated management of customer funds," he explained.

With the presence of the Livin' Investasi feature, Bank Mandiri is optimistic that the Wealth Management business will grow, especially in terms of retail investors.

Currently, the number of customers managed by Bank Mandiri's Wealth Management has reached 127,000 customers and is expected to grow more than eight times by 2024.

For information, since its launch in October 2021, Livin' by Mandiri has become Bank Mandiri's main product for the retail segment that offers various advantages, namely financial services that are integrated in one application, as well as being the customer's favorite digital ecosystem platform.

This is reflected in the number of Livin' by Mandiri transactions which were able to reach 600 million transactions in April 2022. This number managed to grow more than 70 percent compared to the same period last year.

The movement of digitization carried out by Bank Mandiri also had a positive impact on increasing Livin' by Mandiri users. Currently, the company's flagship Super App has recorded nearly 12 million downloads since its launch in October 2021 or has grown three times.

As a manifestation of the company's commitment to providing customer transaction solutions. Livin' by Mandiri also presents an open ecosystem so that it can be integrated with other digital ecosystems.

"Livin' will continue to innovate and bring features and other exclusive collaborations to provide convenience to customers," concluded Alexandra.

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