
JAKARTA - The Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities (SKK Migas) targets that as many as 42 exploration wells will be drilled in 2022.

As of April 2022, 7 exploration wells have been drilled or reached 31 percent of this year's target.

“In the next few weeks there will be several exploration wells to be drilled. We hope that by the end of the year, the target of 42 wells will be met and will provide good results so that our common goal of meeting the national target will be achieved," said SKK Migas Deputy Planning Officer Benny Lubiantara in a statement to the media, Tuesday 17 May.

Benny said, SKK Migas will continue to coordinate with Pertamina to realize the programs that have been stated in the Work, Program and Budget.

"Of course, there will be obstacles in implementation, for that SKK Migas is very open to KKKS (Cooperation Contract Contractors) who want to find solutions to the obstacles encountered in the field, so we hope that together there will be lots of good news from the field," continued Benny .

In addition, SKK Migas also made a working visit to the location of the Wilela Exploration Well (WLL)-001 which is located in Muara Enim Regency, South Sumatra Province.

The WLL-001 well previously managed to find hydrocarbons in the first drill stem test (DST) with a gas flow rate of 5.69 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD) and condensate 482.7 barrels per day (BCPD).

Benny added that exploration activities have an important role for SKK Migas to meet the target of 1 million barrels of oil per day (BOPD) and 12 billion standard cubic feet of gas per day (BSCFD).

“For acceleration, exploration activities can no longer be run with a normal business, it must be unusual and have support from all parties. SKK Migas and Pertamina will follow up on these findings carefully, what things can be accelerated, we will accelerate so that this discovery can be immediately developed and commercialized," he said.

In the future, Well WLL-001 will conduct a second DST at a depth of 565–567 mMD (meters measured depth) and a planned third DST at a depth of 450–452 mMD in the Air Benakat Formation sandstone layer.

"We hope that the next test can also give an indication of good results, so that the next development process can be carried out immediately," said Benny.

Benny added that the discovery of new oil and gas through the WLL-001 Well is a good milestone for Indonesia and especially for PT PHR Regional Sumatra Zone 4 because the success of this exploration is something that is highly anticipated.

"We, on behalf of SKK Migas management, congratulate and appreciate Pertamina's front line who has succeeded in discovering new oil and gas through the WLL-001 Well, this is an encouragement for us together in our efforts to meet the targets in 2030 which still have many challenges," he concluded.

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