
JAKARTA - The level of consumption of Pertalite type of fuel oil (BBM) experienced a significant increase during the peak of the Eid homecoming flow in 2022.

Gasoline fuel consumption increased by 26 percent, with the highest increase in distribution on May 1, 2022 (D-1 Eid al-Fitr) by 36 percent against normal sales, especially for RON 90 fuel, the highest distribution peak was on D-1 at 46 percent. against normal sales, while gasoil fell 13 percent against normal sales.

President Director of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Sub Holding Commercial & Trading of PT Pertamina (Persero), Alfian Nasution revealed, one of which was triggered by the shift of users of the Pertamax type of fuel to Pertalite.

"We admit that there has been a shift from Pertamax to Pertalite before this homecoming flow, namely when there was an increase in the price of Pertamax. So it has shifted a few percent," he told reporters, Thursday, May 11.

Meanwhile, Director of Oil and Gas Downstream Regulatory Agency (BPH) Patuan Alfon Simanjuntak explained that since Pertalite was designated as a special type of assigned fuel oil (JBKP), his party continued to carry out supervision and monitoring in the field.

"For January to April, 39 percent of the JBKP has been realized. As of March, it has been verified, while April was the unverified one," he said.

Previously, at a Hearing Meeting with Commission VII DPR RI, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) proposed increasing the quota for subsidized fuel in anticipation of ensuring the availability of fuel supplies as a result of the migration of the Pertamax users to Pertalite.

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif said that his party would increase the quota of RON 90 or Pertalite fuel oil by 5.45 million kiloliters (kl) to 28.50 million kl.

One of the reasons for this additional quota was the increase in the price of Pertamax, so many people migrated to use Pertalite.

"Noting the faster economic recovery after the pandemic, which has increased fuel consumption and the disparity in fuel prices, this shift in the use of fuel in the community has an impact on quotas for certain types of fuel, including kerosene and diesel and special types of fuel for the assignment of Pertalite which is predicted at the end of 2022. exceeds the quota set by the 2022 State Budget," said Arifin in a Working Meeting with Commission VII, Wednesday, April 13.

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