
JAKARTA - The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) supports the government's call to implement a working from home (WFH) system, but not all business sectors must implement it because it needs to be adapted to their respective business sectors.

Chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Arsjad Rasjid in his written statement, agreed that WFH's appeal can also be used as an effort to avoid an increase in homecoming flows. This is because WFH can reduce community activities on the streets, thereby reducing congestion.

"But all of that goes back to the regulations of each company because not all business sectors can be the same. There are several companies that have to carry out their operational activities directly at the workplace, such as manufacturing, production and consumer goods companies," he said, quoted by Antara. , Wednesday 11 May.

Therefore, continued Arsjad, the company cannot enforce WFH. However, certain types of companies such as services or types of work such as scientists, management, back office and the like, can do WFH.

"WFH has certainly been familiar to workers in the private sector since the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, many companies are still implementing the WFH-WFO shifting system for their employees in order to continue to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Indonesia," added Arsjad.

Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Manpower Adi Mahfudz Wuhadji added that if the company entered the type of goods/production, or the like, WFH could not do it. But if you enter a service company or work in an office, you can do WFH.

"However, this must also be adjusted to the internal policies of each company. Every company has a ministerial SKP that must be adhered to together. If it is only an appeal to reduce congestion, it doesn't matter as long as all of this is communicated between workers and employers so that there is no miscommunication ," he said.

Basically, continued Adi, Kadin and other associations have no problem with the appeal as long as it does not interfere with work efficiency and productivity.

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