
JAKARTA - The chairman of the DPD RI, AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti, invites the public to oversee the legal process for the cooking oil mafia. LaNyalla hopes that the mafias who harm the community really get the punishment they deserve.

Regarding the arrests of four mafia people from the cooking oil mafia, the Senator from East Java reminded that this problem should only be resolved by legal proceedings because it has harmed state finances resulting from export activities.

"I ask for the seriousness of law enforcers so that they are given severe punishment. I also remind the government to return the price of cooking oil so that the people can immediately return to their business in peace," hoped LaNyalla in a statement, Friday, April 24.

LaNyalla invites the whole community to participate in supervising the legal process so that they do not escape the snares of the law and enjoy the proceeds of corruption. Meanwhile, the people continue to bite their fingers in the middle of an oligarchic government system.

"I also invite the wider community to monitor 88 other companies. And it is very possible that there are other companies that have misappropriated CPO and caused a shortage of cooking oil," said LaNyalla.

As is known, the Attorney General's Office finally intervened on the suspicion of a cooking oil mafia that caused the price to soar.

Currently, the Attorney General's Office (Kejagung) of the Republic of Indonesia is investigating a case of alleged corruption related to the granting of approval permits for the export of cooking oil for 2021-2022.

Deputy Attorney General for Special Crimes (JAM Pidsus) the Attorney General's Office, Febrie Adriansyah, revealed that there are around 88 companies that export crude palm oil (CPO) and its derivative products, including cooking oil, which are supervised by the AGO.

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