
JAKARTA – The Task Force for Handling State Claims for the Bank Indonesia Liquidity Assistance Fund (BLBI) stated that all former assets that have been successfully controlled by the government will be managed prudently and accountably in accordance with the prevailing laws and regulations.

Director of Legal and Public Relations of the Directorate General of State Assets (DJKN) Tri Wahyuningsih Retno Mulyani said the former BLBI assets in the form of credit assets were managed by selling mechanisms through auctions, selling outside of auctions, restructuring credit assets, and selling collection rights.

"Meanwhile, property assets are carried out with the mechanism for determining the status of use (PSP) in various ministries/agencies, grants, state equity participation (PMN), sales through auctions, sales not through auctions, handover of management to the State Asset Management Institute (LMAN), and handover of to the Land Bank," he said in an official statement, Friday, April 22.

According to Tri, in the event that an asset is sold, PSP, grant, PMN, or utilization, the asset value is determined through an appraisal by a government appraiser or a public appraiser.

"People who are interested in the assets of the former BLBI can submit a letter of request for information to DJKN," he said.

For information, in the 2021 Central Government Financial Report (LKPP), the asset value of the former BLBI is approximately Rp. 110.45 trillion.

The ex-BLBI assets consist of ex-IBRA/PPA credit assets and bank receivables in liquidation (BDL) of Rp101.8 trillion, property assets of Rp8.06 trillion.

Then, marketable assets worth IDR 489.4 billion, stock assets worth IDR 77.9 billion, inventory assets worth IDR 8.47 billion, and nostro assets worth IDR 5.2 billion.

"This state asset is currently being completed by the BLBI Task Force," Tri concluded.

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