
JAKARTA - Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi asked the rail transportation personnel on duty to serve train passengers in a friendly manner, while urging passengers to be disciplined in implementing health protocols.

"Give a smile with sympathetic gestures when conveying when checking whether passengers have used booster vaccines, or when reminding them to discipline health protocols. Do it firmly but still humanely and friendly," said Budi Karya while leading the 2022 Eid Transport Troops in Gambir Station, quoted from Antara, Friday, April 22.

The Minister of Transportation said that this year the public's interest in going home was very high. Therefore, all officers must carefully monitor the movement of passengers and ensure that health protocols and travel rules are continuously enforced, and avoid queues that have the potential to cause accumulation of passengers.

To avoid overcrowding on certain days, the Minister of Transportation appealed to the public to go home early.

"Ideally, going home on April 23 to 27. As much as possible avoid traveling on peak days (April 28-30, 2022)," he said.

Anticipating the high number of homecomers using motorbikes, the Minister of Transportation invited the public to take advantage of the free homecoming program organized by the Government, BUMN, and the private sector.

"We want this year's homecoming to be safe and healthy, and to bring joy to the community. For that, we urge people not to go home using motorbikes because it is very dangerous," he said.

One of the programs that can be utilized by the community is the free motorbike homecoming program (Motis) organized by the Ministry of Transportation in collaboration with KAI Logistics.

This program is intended for travelers who already have train, bus, or travel tickets, which aim to send their motorbikes to their hometowns for free.

The registration for free motorbike homecoming participants by train can be done online via the link from April 20 to May 8, 2022 with a total transport capacity of 9,280 motorcycle units.

The routes and paths that will be taken in the 2022 Eid Motis are divided into 2, namely the northern route and the southern route. For the northern route (PP) it goes through: Jakarta Gudang Station, Cirebon Prujakan Station, Tegal Station, Pekalogan Station, and Semarang Tawang Station. Meanwhile, the Southern Cross (PP) crosses: Jakarta Gudang Station, Cirebon Prujakan Station, Purwokerto Station, Kroya Station, Kutoarjo Station, Lempuyangan Station, Klaten Station, and Purwosari Station.

Also attending the event were Director General of Railways at the Ministry of Transportation Zulfikri, Director of KAI Didiek Hantantyo, Deputy Head of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency Chaidir.

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