
JAKARTA - Jenius from Bank BTPN, launched the #step Kecilhariini program which invites digital savvy people in Indonesia to make and celebrate their small steps in realizing better living and financial habits.

In this program, Jenius collaborates with two Jenius friends, namely Sophia Latjuba and Eva Celia, two figures who will share their inspiration on how they started and appreciate every small step they take.

Waasi B. Sumintardja, Digital Banking Business Product Head of Bank BTPN, explained the background and objectives of the #stepsmallhariini program.

“For the past two years we have lived in conditions full of ups and downs. We realize that being able to think positively and move forward becomes a necessary life skill. From the various stories of Jenius friends, we also find that they are currently starting to rebuild their lives in a better direction. Therefore, Jenius launched the #steps Kecilhariini program as an invitation for digital savvy people to start planning, making habits, and appreciating their small steps today, tomorrow, and every day," said Waasi, Thursday, April 21.

Based on an online survey conducted through the official Jenius Instagram social media @jeniusconnect on April 7, 2022 involving 928 respondents, it was found that 54 percent of respondents tried to find their own solutions when experiencing a challenge in going through the day and 51 percent of them also often celebrate various small achievements. efforts and small steps they have succeeded in achieving.

In addition, on April 18, 2022, Jenius again held an online survey through Jenius' official Instagram social media @jeniusconnect with the topic of financial goals to be achieved by involving 256 respondents. As many as 89 percent of respondents have financial goals to be achieved this year.

The financial goals to be achieved also vary, ranging from raising an emergency fund, buying property, saving for marriage, collecting vacation expenses, to buying concert tickets for your favorite musician.

Still from the results of an online survey last April 18, to achieve these financial goals, of course, starting with small steps, among others, by starting to save (52 percent), invest (29 percent), and make expenditure posts (17 percent). These small steps if done continuously can have an impact that leads to good changes in various aspects of life, in this case to achieve their financial goals.

In realizing these financial goals, there are five challenges that are often faced, namely unexpected expenses or emergency needs (35 percent), promos and online shopping (32 percent), invitations to snack and FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) (15 percent), not yet consistent and disciplined (9 percent), and the desire to travel (5 percent).

“Jenius believes that in order to achieve a healthy financial condition, you can start with small positive steps. Therefore, Jenius is here to accompany every small step in the daily life of digital savvy people through a series of innovative features that can help users to keep going, create better habits, and achieve their life goals. Small steps to achieve good financial habits, starting from managing cashflow, saving, and investing," explained Waasi.

The digital savvy community can also start small steps with Jenius to always learn things, build connections, and have the spirit of co-creation with Jenius Co.Create, so that they can gain new knowledge and build good habits in life. Through collaboration with two Jenius friends, Sophia Latjuba and Eva Celia, Jenius will share inspiration from various user stories to achieve their dreams in life and finance, as well as make steps with Jenius.

“Taking small steps to create better habits and lives is courage. So that when we succeed in achieving and appreciating these small steps, we will be encouraged to continue to take the next step until it becomes a big step and gets closer to our goals. One of the things that can be done to start this small step is to realize that every moment in our life is a fresh moment, namely a moment that we can use to become a new, better human being. This will encourage us to use the time or moment as best we can,” said Adjie Santosoputro, a Mindfulness Practitioner.

Still carrying the spirit of the #stepsmallhariini program, Jenius is also collaborating with Dompet Dhuafa and Orphans to encourage the digital savvy community to make small steps for goodness in the month of Ramadan. Through a collaboration with Dompet Dhuafa, Jenius will double the donations for iftar/suhoor food packages for the poor.

For every donation with a minimum amount of IDR 30,000, Jenius will multiply it so that more and more poor people receive donations from users. This special double donation program is valid by paying using Jenius Pay on the Dompet Dhuafa website ( Check more information here:

"With the launch of the #step Kecilhari program, we hope it can be a driving force for the digital savvy community to move forward together and celebrate small steps towards a better life and financial achievement," concluded Waasi.

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