
JAKARTA - Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita appealed to businessmen to remain calm. He emphasized that the case related to the export of palm cooking oil which is being handled by the Attorney General's Office is a law enforcement process and is not related to the program to provide subsidized Bulk Cooking Oil to the public.

The statement also answered the concerns of entrepreneurs related to the determination of suspects in cases of corruption in the provision of export facilities for crude palm oil or crude palm oil (CPO) and its derivatives. The determination of the suspect is considered invalid. In fact, they threatened to leave the Subsidized Bulk Cooking Oil program if it was not resolved.

"We hope that this incident will not dampen the positive spirit that has been built. For this reason, the government will further strengthen supervision in all distribution lines," he said in an official statement, Wednesday, April 20.

In supervising the program, said Agus, the Ministry of Industry cooperates with the National Police to enforce the rules that have been set. In addition, it also involves the local government and the community.

Therefore, Agus hopes that all parties remain calm and carry out this program well. According to Agus, problems can occur from producers, distributors, to retailers.

"Therefore, we open intensive communication with industry players to find the best solution in distributing Subsidized Bulk Cooking Oil for the community," he said.

Agus also reminded that the program runs in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Industry (Permenperin) Number 8 of 2022 concerning the Provision of Bulk Cooking Oil for the Needs of the Community, Micro Enterprises, and Small Businesses in the Financing Framework by the Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (BPDPKS).

This means that producers who have received assignments according to their respective registration numbers are required to distribute Subsidized Bulk Cooking Oil in accordance with the provisions.

"For companies that have not realized the distribution of Subsidized Bulk Cooking Oil or the realization is still below the target set, the Ministry of Industry will impose sanctions in the form of written warnings, fines, and freezing of business permits," he said.

"This sanction also applies if there are industrial companies that withdraw from this program," he continued.

In addition, sanctions are also imposed on producer companies, distributors and retailers who violate the provisions, namely distributing Subsidized Bulk Cooking Oil for repackers, medium and large industries, and exports.

As is known, the Attorney General's Office has named four suspects in the alleged corruption case in granting export facilities for crude palm oil (CPO) and its derivative products. The four suspects were immediately detained for the next 20 days.

Of the four people named as suspects, one of them is a subordinate of the Minister of Trade Muhammad Lutfi, the Director General (Dirjen) of Foreign Trade (Daglu) of the Ministry of Trade with the initials IWW (Indrashari Wisnu Wardhana).

Meanwhile, the other three suspects are from the private sector. They are the Senior Manager of Corporate affairs of Permata Hijau Group with initials SMA (Stanley MA); The President Commissioner of PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia with the initials MPT (Master Parulian Tumanggor); and the General Manager of PT Musim Mas with the initials PT (Pierre Togar).

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