
JAKARTA - Indonesia is a country rich in culture, one of which is puppet shows. This art originating from Java features performances using wayang media performed by dalang and sinden.

Unfortunately, young people's interest in wayang performances is still relatively minimal. In this case, to popularize Indonesian culture, PT Industri Jamu and Pharmacy Sido Muncul Tbk raised the puppet theme in the latest advertisement for the product Tolak Linu. Sido Muncul is trying to introduce wayang kulit through a more modern concept by hooking up with a singer from Yogyakarta, Elisha Ocarus Allasso.

"So we raised this theme so that wayang kulit, which is part of Indonesian culture, can be known more widely, especially for young people. Indeed, there are not many fans, because they are not packaged well. Well, when I saw her (Elisha) on TV, I saw how to look different and make young people happy. This advertisement will be done in a modern way, but still has its traditional elements," said Director of Sido Muncul, Irwan Hidayat in the process of making the Tolak Linu advertisement in Pamulang, Tuesday 19 April.

The theme of wayang with a more contemporary concept is expected to be able to target audiences, especially millennials, to be more interested in wayang. Moreover, he said that Elisha was a puppeteer and sinden who had his own distinctive style in presenting more contemporary shows.

"The important thing is that I believe young people are happy, but the appearance must be different, it must be relevant to the era," added Irwan.

On the same occasion, Elisha expressed her interest in being involved in the promotion process of Tolak Linu because she found common ground to popularize wayang culture to the younger generation.

"We (Me and Sido Muncul) have the same frequency or way of thinking about promoting culture. So what is our tradition, our culture, can be brought up but packaged in a different way. I have the same mindset that this wayang can be recognized by friends. young friends in a different way. Although this is still the same as a classic wayang show, I can convey it in a more entertaining way to young friends, "explained Elisha.

Elisha also hopes that through this advertisement, she can educate and generate public interest in the art of wayang culture.

"Hopefully we can get closer to something strange little by little. It's the same as what I did on stage, I brought my friends closer to a puppet show. Well, here too, with the help of this product, maybe in 30 seconds they will be more curious ," he said.

For information, Elisha is a wayang kulit singer who has been active since 2011. She consistently introduces wayang culture through each of her shows.

Interestingly, not only is she beautiful, Sinden Elisha is also deepening her career by pursuing a Bachelor's (S1) in Pedagogy, Masters (S2) in Psychology, and Doctoral education (S3) in Community Art Studies.

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