
JAKARTA – The Directorate General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance reported that as of April 16, 2022, 37,313 taxpayers (WP) participated in the Voluntary Disclosure Program (PPS).

Of this amount, 42,766 certificates were obtained with the value of assets disclosed reaching Rp65.1 trillion.

In detail, the declaration of assets in the country and repatriation funds amounted to Rp. 56 trillion, the funds disbursed in the form of investments were Rp. 4.1 trillion, and declarations abroad were Rp. 4.9 trillion.

Meanwhile, the net value of income for the state in the form of Income Tax (PPh) was recorded at Rp. 6.6 trillion.

For information, PPS is a special tax facility granted to taxpayers to disclose their unreported assets at a rate that is relatively lower than normal conditions. PPS is often referred to as tax amnesty volume II after previously the same program was implemented in 2016-2017 ago.

Furthermore, the Voluntary Disclosure Program is also part of the implementation of the Law on the Harmonization of Tax Regulations (HPP) which marks a comprehensive reform of the national tax code.

Meanwhile, this year's tax revenue target is set at Rp1,510 trillion, consisting of Rp1,265 trillion in tax revenues, Rp245 trillion in customs and excise, and Rp335.6 trillion in PNBP.

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