
JAKARTA – The veil of the 2024 election budget began to see a bright spot when President Joko Widodo issued a statement that the estimated funds for the 2024 regional election and general election were IDR 110.4 trillion.

It is known that this figure consists of the General Election Commission (KPU) budget allocation of Rp. 76.6 trillion and the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) of Rp. 33.8 trillion.

It was later discovered that the amount of budget provided for the five-yearly democratic party had swelled from the previous election.

One of the reasons for this is the increase in the honorarium for election organizers from the TPS, village, to sub-district levels, which are considered to have a fairly large role and work.

So how does it compare to the last election in 2019?

Citing data reported by the Ministry of Finance, it is stated that this political celebration does not take up to hundreds of trillions of funds.

In detail, the budget allocation for the 2019 Election is divided into groups for organizing, monitoring and supporting activities such as security.

The general election commission (KPU) budgeted Rp25.59 trillion for the implementation budget. Meanwhile, the supervision budget is set at Rp4.85 trillion and the security budget is allocated at Rp3.29 trillion.

This fund has also been prepared long ago, precisely in 2017 around Rp465.71 billion. Then in 2018 it was Rp. 9.33 trillion and in 2019 it was Rp. 15.79 trillion.

Indeed, the state's financial condition (APBN) is currently working extra hard. There are three major agendas that are being carried out by the government, namely preparation for the 2024 general election, the development of the Nusantara IKN, and efforts to rehabilitate a budget deficit of 3 percent of GDP next year.

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