
JAKARTA - The Kopi Nusantara Project Management Office (PMO) has carried out an activity with the theme "Assistance to Increase People's Arabica Coffee Productivity in the West Java Region" on 12-13 April 2022, in Garut and Ciwidey. By becoming an offtaker, PT Perusahaan Trading Indonesia/PPI Member of ID Food is not only engaged in downstream, but is also committed to developing upstream cultivation and creating a coffee ecosystem through PMO Kopi Nusantara, which was initiated by the Ministry of SOEs.

PMO Kopi Nusantara involves integrated stakeholders. In particular, the Ministry of SOEs realizes that this ecosystem can run better if it goes hand in hand.

Therefore, PMO Kopi Nusantara involves many other parties such as the private sector and associations. Currently, PPI is the pilot project manager of PMO Kopi Nusantara 2a & 2b in West Java Province. This mentoring activity is a real action as a follow-up to the kick-off of PMO Kopi Nusantara in Lampung some time ago by the Minister of SOEs.

"The potential for coffee in Indonesia is very large, it is noted that Indonesia occupies the number 4 position in the world, and 96 percent of it is smallholder plantations. In addition, 8.1 percent of Indonesia's export growth rate, as much as 99.8 percent of exports are in the form of coffee beans. National consumption of coffee also increases every year to 66.17 percent by 2022. So, we need to develop a sustainable coffee business ecosystem in Indonesia and prosper economic actors from upstream to downstream. This certainly has an impact on the welfare of farmers through efforts to increase productivity and quality of coffee beans, "said Dwi Sutoro, PMO Kopi Nusantara, in a written statement, Wednesday, April 13.

Meanwhile, a representative from the Ministry of SOEs, Reynaldi Istanto, said that SOEs could not be ivory towers that worked alone, as Pak Erick Thohir often said.

"BUMN realizes that in order to increase the added value of Indonesian coffee in the domestic and global market, it is necessary to establish a good ecosystem from upstream to downstream. Therefore, with the synergy of BUMN, Private, R&D Institutions, and Associations, we intervene from upstream, starting from training and agronomic assistance for farmers, increased access to capital, good use of fertilizers to certainty of off-takers," said the Expert Staff for the Minister of BUMN for Global Value Chains.

Andry Tanudjaja, Director of Commercial & Development of PPI, also hopes that the cooperation with various parties in this PMO will yield maximum results.

"We hope that this collaboration from various parties will be able to encourage the progress of the coffee industry ecosystem in the country and be able to accommodate the interests of the coffee business so as to encourage the domestic coffee industry to be globally competitive," concluded Andry.

Pupuk Indonesia also supports the implementation of the PMO Kopi Nusantara through the Makmur scheme ("Let's Advance the People's Business") by involving Pupuk Kujang as a fertilizer provider, Petrosida as a provider of agricultural drugs, as well as technical guidance to fostered farmers, both in on-farm and on-farm assistance activities. off-farm. In this case, Pupuk Kujang has also conducted soil testing and compiled recommendations for specific fertilization for coffee plants according to soil and plant conditions.

At the West Java location, farmers will use NPK 18-10-14 fertilizer plus micro-nutrient as much as 550 kg/ha/year, the trademark Jeranti in tablet form which is suitable for land contours on slopes and hills. There are 5 - 6 demonstration plot locations in West Java that will be given fertilizer and pesticide treatment so that farmers can see firsthand the development of plants and increase in productivity.

"For the purchase of non-subsidized fertilizers through the Prosperous Program, farmers will get a special price that is lower than retail kiosks in general. This is a commitment to take Pupuk Indonesia's side to farmers," said Burmansyah, Project Manager of Agrosolution Pupuk Indonesia.

Coffee farmers do not need to worry about procuring agricultural inputs, especially fertilizers, because they get easy access to capital through Bank BRI with the KUR Scheme with 6 percent interest per year paid for harvest. To date, 1,016 coffee farmers have been registered in the Garut Regency area and are currently in the process of verifying Bank BRI's capital in the PMO Kopi Nusantara ecosystem.

The ecosystem formed through the PMO Kopi Nusantara program is also very good with mentoring programs and building a digital platform that becomes a center of excellence for the coffee industry. PMO Kopi Nusantara will also utilize a platform that has been developed by Telkom called Agree to ensure the traceability of coffee products from farmers.

The hope is that PMO Kopi Nusantara can continue to help maximize upstream coffee production in various other regions. Thus, more local coffee farmers are assisted, capture more coffee plantation areas with the synergy of BUMN, Private, R&D Institutions, and Associations, to create an integrated digital ecosystem that can advance the coffee industry in Indonesia.

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