
JAKARTA - The government continues to prepare various road infrastructure preparations to modes of transportation to welcome the 2022 Eid homecoming. Given that it has been two years since the COVID-19 pandemic, going home has been cancelled. One that is being prepared is the Pantura route.

PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono revealed that apart from the recently inaugurated Brebes-Tegal Ring Road, the PUPR Ministry is also preparing other sections of the Pantura route for the 2022 Eid homecoming.

"I have asked for all road repairs on the Pantura route to be completed on D-10 Lebaran 2022," he said in an official statement, Wednesday, April 13.

Despite setting a deadline for completion, Basuki emphasized that all road repairs carried out must be ensured for safety.

"And it is certain that it is safe for public vehicles to go home," he said.

As previously reported, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has just inaugurated the Brebes-Tegal Ring Road at the Kaligangsa Bridge, Brebes Regency, Central Java today. He said the presence of this ring road would complement the structure of the national road network in the northern coast and complement the toll road network in Trans Java.

"We know that the traffic density in Brebes-Tegal is very high, especially during Lebaran, New Year and other holidays. With the operation of the Brebes-Tegal Ring Road, it is estimated that it will reduce the traffic load by up to 48 percent, so that the Brebes and Tegal is smoother," said Jokowi.

Furthermore, Jokowi assessed that the Pantura route was an important route to support the smooth running of the Lebaran homecoming period.

"This route will be an alternative route for Lebaran homecoming, so that people's homecoming trips become smoother and arrive at their destinations faster," he said.

The Brebes-Tegal Ring Road has a width of 7.5 meters for two lanes and is equipped with eight bridges, five each in the Brebes area and three bridges in the Tegal area.

The construction of the Brebes-Tegal Circle was carried out by the Central Java - DIY National Road Implementation Center (BBPJN) with contractor PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk in December 2019-April 2021.

The construction costs are sourced from the APBN in the amount of Rp. 224 billion. Previously, the construction of the Brebes-Tegal Ring Road had begun for 4 km in 2010, then the next 2.5 km in 2017 at a cost of around Rp. 115 billion.

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