
JAKARTA - The government through the Ministry of Finance and Finance (Kemenkeu) is said to have opened the offer period for the Retail Waqf Sukuk series SWR003 to individual and institutional waqifs with an offer period starting from April 11 to July 7 2022.

This instrument can be obtained offline or online through several distribution partners that have been appointed by the government. Meanwhile, SWR003 has a tenor of 2 years and offers a fixed rate of return or coupon of 5.05 percent per year.

The Director General of Financing and Risk Management at the Ministry of Finance Luky Alfirman said that this release coincided with the momentum of Ramadan so that it is expected to have a wider positive impact.

"In this holy month of Ramadan, I would like to invite friends of sukuk to participate in spreading goodness through SWR003," he said in an official statement quoted on Tuesday, April 12.

According to Luky, the issuance of SWR003 is a form of the government's commitment to support the National Money Waqf Movement, assisting the development of social investment, and the development of productive waqf in Indonesia.

He also emphasized that SWR003 is managed based on sharia principles and has obtained sharia compliance from the MUI National Sharia Council.

He said, through SWR003 the state seeks to facilitate cash waqf, both temporary and permanent, so that they can place their money waqf in safe and productive investment instruments.

"Retail Waqf Sukuk are an alternative investment that, God willing, are free of default risk," said Sri Mulyani's subordinate.

In addition, Luky also mentioned three benefits received through the SWR003 investment. First, for yourself today and in the future as an investment instrument. Second, for the mauquf alaih or beneficiaries channeled through the nazhir.

"And the third is to participate in helping the country in building infrastructure," he concluded.

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