
JAKARTA - The Surakarta City Government cooperates with a private company to distribute cheap cooking oil for the lower middle class people.

Head of the Economic Section of Surakarta City, Arif Handoko, on the sidelines of the cooking oil bazaar at Pendapi Gede, Surakarta City, said that this time the company involved was PT Sinarmas. During the event, PT Sinarmas gave coupons to as many as 1,500 targets.

"We divided this into five regions, each sub-district received 300 coupons to be given to the underprivileged," he said, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, April 5.

With this coupon, every citizen can buy two liters of Filma brand cooking oil at a price of Rp. 15,000/liter.

"The current price should be IDR 25,000/liter, but this is quite a lot of IDR 30,000 for two liters," he said.

In addition to having the requirement to have a coupon, he said, every target recipient who has not been vaccinated is directed to participate in on-site vaccinations. Head of the Surakarta City Health Office (DKK) Siti Wahyuningsih said that every resident who came was required to undergo screening first.

Thus, it will be known whether the person concerned has received the complete vaccine or not. If not, residents are required to immediately follow the vaccine at the same location.

"Those who haven't had a booster vaccine have been given a booster vaccine yet, there were also those who haven't had a second vaccine, or even a first one. We'll immediately vaccinate them," he said.

Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka said the efforts made by the local government in collaboration with PT Sinarmas were quite helpful in terms of price control.

"Actually, in Solo the problem of scarcity does not occur, but the market price is between Rp. 23,000-25,000/liter. Today there is assistance from Sinarmas, I think this is quite helpful," he said.

In the future, he said, the same efforts will continue to be carried out by cooperating with a number of other private companies.

"Tomorrow there will be but not cooking oil, tomorrow will be basic necessities. Activities like this during the fasting month so that when prices rise, people can be helped, especially cooking oil. We only have to intervene on the price," he said.

On the same occasion, Chairman of the Eka Tjipta Foundation, Hong Tjhin, who became a forum for the Sinarmas-flagged social activity, said the activity was a form of the company's concern for the underprivileged people who had difficulty getting cooking oil at a reasonable price.

"This is welcomed by the mayor (Mayor of Surakarta). There is even an innovation with a booster, this is a good idea too," he said.

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