
JAKARTA - The scarcity and soaring price of cooking oil make irresponsible parties often make profits. One fraudulent practice is repackaging bulk cooking oil.

Economist from Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM), Dr Muzdalifah asked the government to be aware of this practice. The government is asked to work quickly so that the community is not harmed.

"The potential for fraud should be watched out for because it is possible for industries, including repackers or packaging of cooking oil, to use bulk as raw materials for sale in simple and premium packaging," said Muzdalifah, as reported by Antara, Saturday, April 2.

Muzdalifah believes that as a result of the rising price of packaged cooking oil, people with lower middle income will switch to subsidized bulk oil. The reason is, the price difference is quite large, which is Rp. 10 thousand, even more than packaged cooking oil.

This has resulted in an increase in the number of requests, apart from culinary traders and home industries, but also for household needs, which so far have not looked at bulk cooking oil.

"This accumulated rising demand causes shortages, especially if the amount distributed is still the same as before," explained the Chair of the Institute for Economic and Regional Development Studies (LKEPD) FEB ULM.

For this reason, Muzdalifah hopes that the government will take quick steps to ensure the distribution and supply of bulk cooking oil is smooth and in sufficient quantities. The government is advised to cooperate with distributors to ensure prices are in accordance with HET and supply in appropriate quantities, so that people are calmer and do not need to panic buying.

In addition, there must be strict supervision as well as taking firm action against those who take advantage of rising cooking oil prices as well as carrying out market operations to reduce the burden on the community.

"Entering the month of Ramadan, of course, the need for cooking oil will increase, make sure traders sell bulk cooking oil according to the HET of Rp. 14,000 per liter or equivalent to Rp. 15,500 per kilogram. If there is a violation, strict action must be taken," he said.

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