
JAKARTA - The Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) of Pontianak City, West Kalimantan conducted a surprise inspection (sidak) of several locations for bulk cooking oil agents, rice warehouses and several other commodities such as meat, cayenne pepper, sugar, shallots and garlic in modern markets. .

"From the results of our review today, most of the prices for goods are still relatively stable, although cooking oil has not dropped to the normal price," said Head of Pontianak City TPID, Mulyadi, quoted by Antara, Monday, March 28.

He explained that there was still a shortage of bulk cooking oil stocks in the Kapuas Indah area as of today. In addition, according to his observations, residents are still queuing to buy bulk cooking oil at the Kapuas Besar Market.

“Earlier, at the Kapuas Besar Market, there was a queue up to the road. However, for bulk cooking oil, there are still around 20 drums available in the Barito rice warehouse, each with around 180 liters of drum. I've asked the owner, they said this afternoon will be spent (sold)," he said.

Regarding the alleged hoarding of cooking oil, he could not confirm this. According to him, the problem of scarcity of cooking oil has reached the national level, so collective efforts are needed to find the problem.

"We haven't been able to find out because this problem is not only a problem in Pontianak City but nationally," he said.

He added that for packaged cooking oil, the Fortune brand, produced by PT Wilmar, owned by the conglomerate Martua Sitorus, was available at Mitra Anda supermarket at a price of IDR 49,500 per two liters, according to the market price. He believes, the availability of packaged cooking oil is also spread in other minimarkets in Pontianak City.

"The price is according to what is prevailing in the market, which is two liters of IDR 49,500, I'm sure there are other places available from palm oil," he said.

The details of other commodity prices, said Mulyadi, are still at normal numbers, including sugar at Rp. 14,000 per kilogram, shallots at Rp. 19,000 - Rp. 20,000 per kilogram, and garlic at Rp. 20,000 - Rp. 22,000 per kilogram.

"The rest can be checked later via the Jepin application. The point is, ahead of Ramadan, stocks and prices of other food items are relatively stable, except for cooking oil," he said.

Meanwhile, your Partner's Store Manager, Susiana, explained that the stock of packaged cooking oil at your Partner is still safe, yesterday there were 400 boxes of cooking oil with the Fortune brand, and today 200 boxes are available.

"Last week we had Sofia and Kamila, but this week the one currently available is still the Fortune brand," he said.

In order to maintain availability and prevent panic buying, his party has limited the purchase of packaged cooking oil, namely that each consumer can only buy a maximum of six items, with two liters for each item.

"For other stocks, such as sugar and rice, they are still safe, so they are available for Ramadan," he said.

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