
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo is upset because the procurement of goods through domestic product spending (PDN) has only reached Rp. 214 trillion. The reason is, this figure is still far from the target of Rp. 400 trillion.

Jokowi's frustration was seen in a briefing on the proud affirmation action made in Indonesia which was broadcast on the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube, Friday, March 25. Jokowi asked the various parties present not to applaud the value of the PDN expenditure which reached Rp214 trillion.

"Don't clap. Because we haven't done more than Rp. 400 trillion, all of them are really doing it. Please all applaud. We only ask for 40 percent until May, this morning I checked only Rp. 214 trillion," said Jokowi.

What Jokowi discussed turned out to be the Business Matching Domestic Product Shopping event in Nusa Dua, Bali which took place on March 22-24 2022. Until the last day of implementation, there were commitments to spend on domestic products from the central government, provincial governments, and district/city governments. amounting to Rp214.1 trillion.

Based on the Ministry of Industry's statement, Thursday, March 24, the commitment value is equivalent to 27,707 PDN packages. In addition, through this Business Matching, 978 PDN producers can be involved in state spending.

In fact, this activity also broke the MURI Record for the Largest Transaction of Domestic Product Expenditure in three days.

"Initially, the expenditure commitment from this activity was targeted to reach Rp. 100 trillion, and it was passed yesterday afternoon, Wednesday, March 23, then it continues to grow until today it has exceeded Rp. 200 trillion," said Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita.

The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) recorded the largest PDN Expenditure commitments for the ministry/institution category, which was Rp. 43 trillion. Meanwhile, the commitment of DKI Jakarta in the category of Provincial Government has reached IDR 5 trillion. In the City/Regency Government category, Bojonegoro Regency has made a commitment of Rp. 1.6 trillion.

The Minister of Industry said that Business Matching was not the end of the target for accelerating PDN spending. "After this, there will be further Business Matching that will be carried out either physically or virtually, and what is no less important is its supervision and control," said the Minister of Industry.

Like Jokowi, the Minister of Industry also hopes that the commitment to spending on domestic products that have been recorded for three days does not end on paper, given the potential for central and regional government spending which reaches Rp. 1,071.4 trillion, of which Rp. 400 trillion can be absorbed by domestic products. country and MSMEs.

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