
BOGOR - Mayor of Bogor, West Java, Bima Arya Sugiarto said that the rate of economic growth in his region is predicted to grow to 5.53 percent by the end of his term in 2023.

"Innovation must be encouraged and facilitated in order to expand employment opportunities, so that economic growth will increase," said Bima Arya after attending a development plan deliberation (Musrenbang) at the Braja Mustika Convention Center, West Bogor District, Antara, Thursday, March 24.

Bima said that Bogor City has high competitiveness, especially in the service trade sector, especially tourism. The economic challenges in 2023 are post-COVID-19 normalization, increased investment, and increased regional income.

The economy has also boosted the Human Development Index (HDI) from year to year. In 2021, Bogor City's HDI will reach 76.59 above the West Java average, namely 72.45 HDI. Therefore, the Bogor City Government will pursue the RPJMD target of 77.75 points in 2023.

Bima Arya targets economic growth to support the HDI achievement target, in addition to tourism and trade, through concentration on the transportation sector, namely the conversion of city transportation (angkot) to the Biskita Trans Pakuan buy the service (BTS) program bus.

Along with the construction of Alternative Protocol Roads, such as the Ring Road (R2) route from Tanah Baru Village, North Bogor District to the border of Sentul Village, Babakan Madang District, Bogor Regency.

Furthermore, the construction of the Regional Ring Road (R3) road from Jalan Kol. Ahmad Syam Parung Banteng, Katulampa Village, to the border of Wangun Highway, Sindang Sari Village, East Bogor District.

In line with that, the development of pedestrian paths will also be maximized along with organizing the city.

The second, said Bima, is no less important is the revitalization and improvement of traditional markets. Starting from the construction of Plaza Bogor and providing incentives for traders.

"Roads, pedestrians and markets will become public facilities that support economic growth and community social activities," said Bima.

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