
JAKARTA - The scarcity of bulk cooking oil is starting to be felt by traders in traditional markets in several regions in Indonesia. In fact, the stock at wholesalers is also 'unseen' or empty. The scarcity occurred after the government revoked the policy on the highest retail price (HET) for packaged cooking oil.

Member of Commission VI DPR Andre Rosiade also questioned the government's performance in ensuring the availability of cooking oil and maintaining the stability of Bulk Cooking Oil prices for the needs of the community, micro-enterprises and small businesses.

"General Chairperson of the All-Indonesian Market Trade Association (APPSI) Mas Sudaryono contacted me, he said market traders were screaming because the bulk cooking oil promised by the government was still 'unseen' in the market. I feel sorry for the people. ?," said Andre, in Jakarta, Wednesday, March 23.

Andre explained in the last working meeting of the DPR-RI Commission VI, Trade Minister Muhammad Lutfi said the bulk cooking oil production process would be determined by the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) starting from producers to distributors.

Moreover, now, the Ministry of Industry has issued Minister of Industry Regulation (Permenperin) Number 8 of 2022 concerning the Provision of Bulk Cooking Oil for the Needs of the Community, Micro Enterprises, and Small Businesses in the Financing Framework by the Palm Oil Plantation Fund Management Agency (BPDPKS).

"The regulation regulates the obligation to supply Bulk Cooking Oil domestically. But in fact, there are 16 thousand markets in Indonesia where APPSI members and management do not find the bulk cooking oil at a price of Rp. 14,000 per liter or Rp. 15,500 per kilogram. in accordance with the Minister of Trade Regulation No. 11 of 2022," regretted Andre.

Therefore, Andre, who is also the Chairperson of the Gerindra Party DPD West Sumatra Province, asked the government to seriously resolve the issue of availability and pricing of bulk cooking oil for the Indonesian people.

"The scarcity of bulk oil makes many people quite nervous, especially the market sword and the MSME industry. Moreover, it is currently approaching the month of Ramadan. So please the government is serious about managing this country. Don't let us lose to the mafia," he said.

As is known, the government through the Minister of Trade Regulation (Permendag) Number 11 of 2022 stipulates the HET for bulk cooking oil at the community or final consumer level at Rp. 14,000 per liter or Rp. 15,500 per kilogram.

Meanwhile, BPDPKS set the Economic Reference Price (HAK) for Bulk Cooking Oil based on the average price of crude palm oil (CPO) at domestic auctions in the past month.

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