
JAKARTA - It is common knowledge that regulations and legal umbrellas always lag behind current technological developments. In the financial services industry, this indication can be seen clearly from cases of illegal trading in the form of binary options.

Through the "guessing" platform, two names that caught the public's attention the most: Indra Kenz with Binomo and Doni Salmanan with Quotex.

The Financial Services Authority (OJK) as the institution that oversees and protects the financial sector in the country, has even identified binary options as online gambling because it considers there is no trading activity in this "trading".

Apart from that, it is important for the audience to be able to understand how to manage finances properly. If you have an extra budget, there is nothing wrong with using the funds for productive activities such as investment.

The question now is how to start a safe and profitable investment amidst the onslaught of increasingly diverse financial products? The following is a summary of the editorial for readers.

1. Instrument selection

You could say the selection of instruments and platforms is the most basic step and will determine the results in the future. The reason is, to determine what instrument to choose, further research is needed in order to find a scheme that suits our needs. Reading a lot and digging for information is the most important thing. Don't choose the wrong platform just because you follow other people's choices. The selection of instruments is usually based on three characters, namely conservative for stable investments, moderate for fluctuations and price changes that are considered reasonable, and aggressive with typical high risk high returns.

2. Start small

Starting from the smallest thing does look easy and easy. However, many of the people who actually start investing on a large scale. In fact, by undergoing from the smallest risk, we will know how the flow and pattern of the investment are. If it is felt that we understand and understand, then there is no harm in increasing the placement of funds considering that we have fully understood the risks that will be faced.

3. Don't overdo it

Remember, an investment is an investment. This is not the main objective of financial management. Investments that are excessive, especially to the point of ignoring primary needs, can be ascertained to be unhealthy. Investments should be part of a profitable financial planning, not the other way around. It is highly recommended to avoid debt in fulfilling your investment desire because it will only present a burden before the money comes.

4. Manage risk

As described previously, an investment that has the opportunity to generate large profits must be accompanied by a lot of risk, aka high risk high return. Knowing your own limits is very important here.

Remember that none of the investment instruments in this world is 100 percent safe from risk. In fact, even State Securities (SBN) can have the effect of default or default. This example is reflected in the case of Argentina, where the government stated that it was unable to fulfill its debt repayment obligations. Or, if you want a concrete picture in the country, you can refer to the cases of Jiwasraya and Asabri, both of which are State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) but in fact have large arrears to their debtors. customer.

5. Legal!

Perhaps the legal aspect is the thing that is most often forgotten by the public in investing. For this reason, choose a financial service institution that is a permanent legal entity and has official status from the government, OJK, or other regulators. This is a mandatory requirement to ensure that the state is present in providing consumer protection and also mitigation efforts before losses occur.

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