
MANADO - PLN encourages local governments (Pemda) to build public facilities using fly ash and bottom ash (FABA) PLTU Amurang, South Minahasa, North Sulawesi (North Sulawesi).

The Manager of PLN UPDK Minahasa, Andreas Arthur Napitupulu, in Minahasa, Saturday, March 19, stated that his party had socialized to the local government regarding the benefits of FABA from the coal combustion of the Amurang PLTU.

FABA, according to Andreas, has been widely used as a supporting material for the infrastructure sector, land stabilization, reclamation on ex-mining land and the agricultural sector.

"This means that FABA has a multiplayer effect on the economy. Indeed, in Indonesia its use is still minimal, but in developed countries, especially Asia, 90 percent of the total FABA production has been used for substitution of construction materials," said Andreas, as reported by Antara, Saturday, March 19.

Seeing the great potential, Andreas also said that his party always conducts socialization regarding the benefits of FABA, so that it is hoped that the community will understand better that the existence of this material can help infrastructure development in the region.

"FABA has been used in several physical projects, such as in Pacitan, for the construction of roads and sports facilities," said Andreas.

At this time, Andreas added, the Minahasa UPDK has made several efforts to utilize FABA, such as for the construction of the Mount of Olives Church in Tomohon, the construction of the Kulung-Kulung Waterfall Access road in South Minahasa, the construction of the Minahasa Kodim Multipurpose Room and the construction of the Tanggari PLTA Office.

Fly Ash (fly ash) itself is one of the residues produced in coal combustion and in the form of fine particles that are captured by an air pollution control device called ESP (electrostatic precipitator).

Meanwhile, Bottom Ash is the residue of burning coal in the furnace which is routinely removed from the furnace.

"The Amurang PLTU does not produce bottom ash, because it is recirculated back into the boiler," said Andreas.

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