
JAKARTA - National Police Chief Gen. Pol Listyo Sigit Prabowo checks bulk cooking oil stocks at the distributor level in Bali, Friday, March 18. The distributor targeted by the National Police Chief is PT Sawit Tunggal Arta Raya (PT STAR) which is located in the South Pier area, Benoa Harbor Highway, Pedungan Village, South Denpasar District.

The National Police Chief came accompanied by the Bali Police Chief Inspector General Pol Putu Jayaan Danu Putra, Denpasar Police Chief AKBP Bambang Yugo Pamungkas, and officials from the National Police Headquarters were received directly by PT STAR Operations Manager Sudy Tjoktandwinata. On that occasion, the Mayor of Denpasar, I Gusti Ngurah Jaya Negara, was also present.

This inspection by the National Police Chief is to determine the stock of bulk cooking oil in Bali at the distributor level in the midst of the current scarcity of packaged cooking oil.

In addition, to ensure that prices in the market are in accordance with those set by the government. Where the government has set a policy of the Highest Retail Price (HET) for bulk cooking oil of Rp. 14,000 per liter or Rp. 15,500 per kilogram in the market.

"Today, I am directly reviewing the distribution of bulk cooking oil, because a few days ago the government issued a policy for bulk oil, which decided the HET was Rp. 14,000 per liter or Rp. 15,500 per kilogram in the market. This means that this is the price received by the public when it is released in the market. modern and traditional," said the National Police Chief, quoted from a written statement.

The National Police Chief admitted, the results of the inspection did not find any problems. PT STAR as one of the distributors of bulk cooking oil in Bali gets bulk oil as usual or there is no shortage and there are no obstacles and on time. Even PT STAR can serve more than usual needs.

For that, the former Head of Criminal Investigation Department gave his appreciation to PT Sawit Tunggal Arta Raya (PT STAR). The National Police Chief asked to maintain the situation so that scarcity does not occur in the community.

The hope is that the oil intended for consumers reaches consumers according to government regulations. Do not turn to industrial needs. He said the need for cooking oil for the community and industry has already been distributed.

"In this regard, the Ministry of Commerce and the police will carry out strict supervision. It is hoped that this subsidy is right on target and reaches consumers in need. Supervision can also be carried out by the general public. If you find any discrepancies, please provide information to the police," said General Listyo Sigit.

Meanwhile, PT STAR Operations Manager, Sudy Tjoktandwinata, said that so far there have been no problems at all. Sudy Tjoktandwinata revealed that during 2021 PT STAR will distribute 4,500 tons per year or 375 tons per month. Until now, PT STAR still has a stock of 1,700 tons.

"Balinese people are more inclined to use packaged cooking oil. With the government setting a HET of Rp. 14,000 per liter or Rp. 15,500 per kilogram in the hands of consumers, it is possible that people who feel Bulk Oil is more economical may switch to Bulk Oil," said Sudy Tjoktandwinata.

If there is a significant increase in demand in the next two weeks, PT STAR will add stock. The point is, Sudy Tjoktandwinata said, don't let cooking oil become scarce in society.

"In a year, we bring in 2 ships with 2,000 to 3,000 tons of oil. We bring this oil from several oil producers in Kalimantan and Palembang. The amount of cooking oil I mentioned does not represent Bali's needs, because there are other distributors," he said.

Meanwhile, the Mayor of Denpasar, IGN Jaya Negara, said that until now, the need for bulk oil in Denpasar City has not had a problem. The mayor admitted that currently the problem is packaged cooking oil. This is felt because Denpasar City residents use bottled oil more.

"I am grateful that the National Police Chief checked the bulk oil today in Bali. It is hoped that the supply of bulk oil from these distributors will not experience problems so that the demand for oil in the community can be overcome," hoped the Mayor of IGN Jaya Negara.

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