Develop PLTS, Pertamina Signs MoU With PT KAI
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JAKARTA - Pertamina NRE signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) regarding the discussion or preparation of a cooperation plan for the provision of facilities and infrastructure as well as the development of New Renewable Energy (EBT), such as Solar Power Plants (PLTS). as well as other NRE utilization in KAI's assets.

The MoU was signed by the President Director of KAI, Didiek Hartantyo, and the Chief Executive Officer of Pertamina NRE, Dannif Danusaputro, at Gambir Station, Jakarta, Friday, March 11.

In his remarks, Dannif said that through this synergy KAI and Pertamina NRE supported the government's program to welcome Indonesia's G20 Presidency which is closely related to the sustainable energy transition program.

"Pertamina NRE is ready to optimally collaborate with KAI by providing environmentally friendly energy in KAI's operational areas. This is a strategic step to carry out decarbonization through BUMN synergy. For now, the biggest potential is the provision of PLTS. In the future, another potential collaboration between Pertamina NRE and KAI is the use of hydrogen, which we are currently developing," said Dannif, in his remarks.

Previously, a mapping of the energy potential of PLTS at 70 KAI stations has been carried out, which is 229,705 kWh/month or 2.75 MWh/year, so that it has the potential to reduce carbon dioxide by 179,459,810.6 kg CO2/year. In implementing Environmental, Social & Governance in the company, KAI uses the station's natural air circulation, uses energy-efficient lighting, prioritizes local workers, and prepares various permits and recommendations related to company buildings.

Didiek said that KAI will continue to make efforts to preserve the environment, where currently, we have planted nearly 56,000 trees in various areas of KAI's operations. "With the implementation of ESG at KAI, a sustainable business will be created. Thus, we can also maintain the sustainability of the railway industry as well as possible," said Didiek.

In the initial stage, there are 9 planned stations in the Daop 1 Jakarta area with an estimated installed capacity of 0.5 MWp and 3 Balai Yasa, namely Balai Yasa Manggarai, Balai Yasa Yogyakarta, and Balai Yasa Surabaya with an estimated installed capacity of 0.5 MWp.

In the future, KAI will also implement rooftop solar panels at stations and other KAI asset buildings that have potential. The use of PLTS in KAI's assets is a form of implementing energy conservation, energy efficiency, and increasing the use of environmentally friendly solar energy.

Previously, the installation of PLTS had also been carried out at Batang Station with a capacity of 6 kWp and at Garut Station with a total capacity of 60 kWp. KAI will continue to increase the number of buildings installed by PLTS to support the use of green energy. In addition to implementing PLTS, KAI has previously implemented various other environmentally friendly policies in station management. For example, using the station's natural air circulation, using energy-efficient lighting, and managing waste by dividing waste by type.

Pertamina NRE itself has installed PLTS in various locations, both external and internal to Pertamina. Last year Pertamina NRE installed PLTS in the Sei Mangkei Special Economic Zone (SEZ) with an installed capacity of 2 MWp, PLTS RU IV Cilacap with a capacity of 1.34 MWp, and PLTS RU II Dumai with a capacity of 2 MWp. In addition, Pertamina NRE has also provided Rooftop PLTS at 129 Pertamina gas stations, bringing the total currently using Rooftop PLTS to 141 gas stations.

Pertamina NRE is fully committed to supporting the achievement of the net zero emission target in 2060. This step is also part of the implementation of the integrated environmental, social and governance (ESG) aspects in Pertamina NRE's business management.

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