
JAKARTA - The Secretary of the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) Dimas Yuliharto claims that cooperation and coordination between banks and financial authorities, especially with LPS, has gone well and is considered important.

He explained, for example, banks that attach LPS Guarantee Participant stickers in all bank offices, both conventional banks and rural banks operating in Indonesia and become LPS guarantee participants.

"This shows that good communication through banking with the entire community has been carried out, where when a bank offers interest, of course, the bank is obliged to convey the guarantee interest rate set by the IDIC," he said in a statement quoted on Friday, March 4.

Dimas continued, this is very important, especially for LPS, because as a financial guarantee and resolution authority, it has the mandate to guarantee customer deposits.

He added that the public's trust to save their savings in a bank is based on complete and complete information, of course, information about this LPS must also be conveyed by the bank to the public so that they do not hesitate, and feel comfortable and safe to deposit their funds in the bank. He also continues to appeal to the public to remain active in seeking information to save at the bank, for example, the public must be careful about cashback offers or giving cash.

“Because based on PLPS No. 2 of 2010, Article 4 states that giving money in the context of raising funds is also a component of calculating interest. So if the interest exceeds the LPS Guarantee Interest Rate, the deposit will not be guaranteed by the LPS,” he explained.

Furthermore, he also explained that various IDIC information platforms on the IDIC website and official social media have routinely provided various important information to the public.

“We also have a 3T calculator application on our website, so people can simulate for themselves the value of their deposits, the interest they receive and so on, and in the end it can be known whether their deposits are guaranteed by LPS or not. The point is that people don't have to worry about saving in the bank," he said.

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