
JAKARTA - The Selection Committee for the Selection of Candidates for the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Board of Commissioners for the 2022-2027 period, chaired by the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani, has started to conduct phase IV selection, namely affirmations or interviews with 29 candidates for the OJK commissioner board.

In an official announcement released by Antara, Wednesday, March 2, the Pansel held interviews from March 2, 2022 to March 5, 2022. On this Wednesday, the Pansel interviewed seven candidates including Firmansyah N Nazaroedin, Dian Ediana Rae, Iskandar Simorangkir, Mahendra Siregar, Marwanto, Budi Santoso, and H Hariyadi.

Mahendra Siregar currently serves as Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, while Iskandar Simorangkir is Deputy for Macroeconomic Coordination and Finance at the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs,

A total of 11 candidates will be scheduled for interviews on Friday (4/3) and the remaining 11 candidates on Saturday (5/3).

Previously, four of the 33 candidates who passed the second stage of selection were declared not to have passed the third stage of the OJK DK selection, namely the assessment and health examination stages. The four candidates are Junino Jahja, Pahala Nainggolan, Bambang Pamungkas, and Aditya Jayaantara.

In the 29 candidates for OJK DK members who passed the third stage of the selection, there were the names of a number of heads of ministries/agencies such as the President Director of the Indonesia Stock Exchange Inarno Djajadi and the President Director of the Indonesian Banking Development Institute (LPPI) Mirza Adityaswara.

Then, there are the names of the President Commissioner of PT Finnet Difi Johansyah, the President Director of BRI Danareksa Sekuritas Friderica Widyasari Dewi, the President Commissioner of the Indonesia Financial Group (IFG) Fauzi Ichsan, as well as the two incumbent names namely Tirta Segara who serves as a Member of the Board of Commissioners for Education and Consumer Protection at OJK and Hoesen, who is the Chief Executive of the OJK Capital Market Supervisor.

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