
JAKARTA - In the context of the National Economic Recovery program, the contribution of Indonesian MSMEs is one of the main keys. For this reason, technology-based business solutions are needed to improve and expand product marketing through digital platforms.

In the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, 80 percent of MSMEs that can survive are those who can adapt and are connected to the digital world. Namely, by utilizing e-commerce platforms and marketplaces. Digitalization is the key for MSMEs to be able to survive.

Departing from this background, Borong Indonesia again opens up opportunities for other communities to experience going digital by introducing the Community Marketplace, a trading platform aimed at the MSME community to be able to reach a wider market with independent commerce access, which will be released this month. April 2022.

For this reason, Borong wants to invite the MSME community of various types and business scales to have the opportunity to be the first to use this platform, where the MSME community has the opportunity to experience managing their own marketplace platform.

As managers of the marketplace platform themselves, they can exercise full control over their trading activities, starting from managing sellers, inviting buyers, to carrying out activities from promotions to increase engagement with customers because of their mastery of the database.

By joining this program, Borong Indonesia stated that there is no need to worry anymore, such as when MSME activists are still at the seller level who sell in popular marketplaces like today.

With wholesale, it is certain that MSMEs can sell freely without being haunted by competition with millions of other sellers, the freedom to manage promo programs, have a full customer database, and can continue to grow by having an independent Home Commerce, of course with a minimum cost.

"So far, the fact is that the majority of MSME business actors are generally difficult to develop and are limited to only being sellers on the marketplace platform. Not to mention the dependence on incentive programs from the marketplace owner and limited access to the database of visitors or buyers in their stores. Without the ability to access the store visitor database, it is certainly difficult for a business to grow rapidly, because it does not have a long Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)," said Aga Nugraha, Strategic Demand Partnership for Borong Indonesia when explaining the pain points felt by many MSMEs. and the MSME community in an official statement quoted on Sunday, February 27.

Meanwhile, the need for MSMEs to digitally transform and have full control over all of their commerce activities is already so urgent because it is driven by the large market demand whose needs tend to be online due to the pandemic, which will certainly have an impact on the development of the business level.

Through this Community Marketplace platform, Borong Indonesia not only opens up opportunities for the MSME community to level up by managing an independent marketplace, but is also committed to continuing to help in the form of support in the form of training, education, and exposure assistance through the Borong business network to help the community continue to expand.

“Our dream is for more MSME communities, wherever they are located, and whatever their level, to have their own e-commerce system so that they can support their members to move forward and advance together in developing their business. Borong Indonesia believes that with Community Marketplace products, communities or business associations can gain experience owning and managing their own home commerce, before finally being able to develop independently.” explained Ronald Sipahutar, Country Manager for Wholesale Indonesia.

For this reason, Borong Indonesia invites communities or business associations to register and meet directly with the Borong Indonesia Team for the screening and verification process. If deemed eligible, the community will go through the onboarding process and can directly use the Borong platform for its members.

Thus, Borong Indonesia invites communities or business associations to register and meet directly with the Borong Indonesia Team for the screening and verification process.

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