
JAKARTA - Super Air Jet now serves Lampung-Jakarta and Jakarta-Lampung flights once a day using Airbus A320-200 aircraft.

The Head of Public Relations of the Lampung Police, Kombes Pol. Zahwani Pandra Arsyad, when participating in the launch of the Super Air Jet flight, the first flight was carried out at Radin Inten II Airport Lampung, Friday, February 25, hoping that the flight would be able to increase tourist visits to tourist destinations in Lampung.

"We are witnessing together that today is an airplane flight from the Lion Group, namely Super Air Jet," he said, quoted by Antara, Saturday, February 26.

"Our hope from the police station is that in accordance with Law No. 10 of 2009 concerning tourism, of course, supporting tourist destinations to become flight destinations, ensuring security, including the investment climate," he said.

"Moreover, Lampung Province is currently quite close to Jakarta, with this good promotion, we hope that we can support the economic recovery," he said.

Super Air Jet Commercial Director, Novi Harahap added, Super Air Jet is an airline that carries the millennial concept.

Super Air Jet itself has pocketed the Air Operator Certificate (AOC) Number 121-060.

In fulfilling the certification process, Super Air Jet itself has gone through five stages or phases, namely Pre-Application, Formal Application, Document Compliance, Demonstration, Inspection, and Certification.

Super Air Jet offers a low cost concept with a free service of 20 kilograms of baggage. Super Air Jet itself has a fleet of 15 Airbus A320-200s with a capacity of 180 economy class seats.

"Previously this Super Air Jet has divided as many as 11 destination cities, namely Jakarta, Kualanamu-Medan, Batam, Palembang, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Lombok, Bali, Pekanbaru, Padang and Solo," he said.

He added that Super Air Jet is currently here to serve passengers on the Jakarta-Lampung route with a flight frequency of once a day.

"So far, Super Air Jet has served 14 cities in Indonesia and a total of 74 flights," he said.

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