
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Trade through the Directorate General of National Export Development continues to support products made in Indonesia worldwide, one of which is furniture. This support is realized through the Aku Ready Export (ASE) 2.0 program. This program is a continuation of the previous program, but with a wider product coverage and export market reach.

Director General of National Export Development Didi Sumedi said that the reason the program was launched was that the ASE phase 1 was enthusiastically welcomed by exporters. Therefore, the Ministry of Trade has launched a second program called ASE 2.0.

"The scope of this program is expanded, not only for home decoration products, but also furniture and lifestyle products," he said in an official statement, quoted Thursday, February 24.

Didi continued, the target market for ASE 2.0 was expanded to include countries that have trade agreements with Indonesia, both regionally and bilaterally, including Japan, Australia, Switzerland, Norway, South Korea, Chile, China, Mozambique, and ASEAN countries.

"It is hoped that Indonesian exporters will be more proactive in taking advantage of the tariff reduction preferences and encourage export development to non-traditional countries," he said.

In this program, the Ministry of Trade again collaborates with other agencies to maximize achievements. Cooperation is carried out, among others, with the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, the National Crafts Council (Dekranas), the Indonesian Furniture and Handicraft Industry Association (HIMKI), the Business and Export Development Organization (BEDO).

Provide assistance to business actors

Director of Export Development Cooperation Made Marthini as ASE Program Coordinator said this program is targeted to provide assistance to 50 business actors who previously would have been strictly selected.

"Companies that have passed the selection are required to embrace micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) outside Java and Bali as supply partners or foster MSMEs to create a bigger effect," said Made.

Made explained that the partnership pattern was ideal because exporters and SMEs could help and collaborate with each other. This program is specially designed for companies that already have export capacity.

Furthermore, Made explained that the program will last for one year consisting of online and offline workshops with simulation practices, assignments, business meetings, private mentoring, local market orientation missions; and participation in domestic and foreign exhibitions such as the Indonesia International Furniture Expo (IFEX), Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI), or other international exhibitions.

"Business actors will gain knowledge to export their products from the experts involved and can increase turnover of US$50,000 or US$2.5 million for 50 SMEs after joining this program," he said.

Previously, the 1st ASE phase had been implemented since June 2021 and had entered the middle of the road. Along the way, this program has succeeded in recording potential export transactions of USD 377,889 or IDR 5.6 billion, as well as potential transactions for the domestic market of IDR 6.8 billion.

In addition to ASE, the Directorate General of National Export Development has developed various other export cooperation programs. For example, BNI Expora, LPEI, Dutch CBI, Swiss SIPPO, AOI, Hajj Service Fulfillment program, Canadian TFO, German IPD, HKTDC.

This program is a concrete effort of the Ministry of Trade and other stakeholders in advancing the sector and improving Indonesia's export performance.

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