
JAKARTA - The price of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) of oil palm in Mukomuko Regency, Bengkulu Province, has increased again to now become Rp3,210 per kilogram. per kilogram," said the Head of Plantation Licensing and Partnerships at the Mukomuko Regency Agriculture Office, Sudianto, in his statement quoted by Antara, Saturday, February 19. in a number of areas in this area. The highest price of palm FFB has now exceeded the price of IDR 3,210 per kilogram at PT Usaha Sawit Mandiri and the lowest price of IDR 2,980 per kg at PT Sapta Sentosa Jaya Abadi. He also said the price of palm oil at PT Karya Sawitindo Mas rose from Rp3,060 per kg to Rp3,110 per kg, PT Mukomuko Indah Lestari increased from Rp3,030 to Rp3,090 per kg, PT Sapta Sentosa Jaya Abadi increased from Rp2,900 per kg kg to Rp2,980 per kg.

Then the price of palm oil at PT Surya Andalan Primatama rose from Rp. 3,070 per kg to Rp. 3,160 per kg and PT Karya Agro Sawitindo rose from Rp. 3,010 per kg to Rp. 3,070 per kg. Then, the price of FFB palm oil at PT Daria Dharma Pratama increased from Rp3,020 per kg to Rp3,110 per kg, PT Bumi Mentari Karya increased from Rp3,080 per kg to Rp3,160 per kg, and PT Gajah Sakti Sawit increased from Rp3,110 per kg to Rp3,160 per kg. kg.He hopes that the purchase price of palm oil FFB by all palm oil mills in this area will increase so that the welfare of local oil palm farmers will be better.

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