
JAKARTA - Not long ago, since Juliandra Nurtjahjo was examined as a witness in the investigation into the alleged corruption case in the procurement of PT Garuda Indonesia aircraft in 2011-2021, PT Citilink Indonesia reshuffled the composition of the board of directors and commissioners. The decision was based on the results of the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders (EGMS) on Thursday, February 17.

Through the EGMS, Citilink appointed a new President Director, namely Dewa Kadek Rai.

President Commissioner of Citilink Prasetio said that the change in the composition of the company's management was a strategic step, especially in making Citilink a more innovative airline amidst the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"We express our appreciation to the board of directors and commissioners who have completed their tenure, as well as the best contribution that has been given to Citilink so that it can continue to grow," Prasetio said in a statement quoted by Antara, Friday, February 18.

Prasetio said the change in management was also in line with Citilink's focus on performance as part of the Garuda Indonesia Group to be more adaptive and competitive in responding to the challenges of business performance in the new normal era.

Furthermore, the GMS also approved the board of commissioners to appoint one of the other directors to carry out their duties and functions as a temporary official (Pjs) Director of Finance & Risk Management temporarily with the same power and authority, until a definitive official for the vacant position is determined by the holder share.

Prasetio hopes that with the dynamics of the aviation industry ecosystem that continues to move dynamically, the company's steps to continue to move adaptively, one of which is by changing the management in the board of directors and the board of commissioners, will be an important step for Citilink to accelerate in responding to business performance challenges.

This change in the composition of the board of directors and the board of commissioners is expected to have a positive impact on Citilink's performance, so that it can continue to drive significant growth.

"And, it can further optimize the opportunities for the aviation industry, especially the low cost carrier aviation market, which will be more competitive in Indonesia in the future," said Prasetio.

Thus, the composition of the Board of Directors and Commissioners of PT Citilink Indonesia as of February 17, 2022 is as follows:

Composition of Members of the Board of Commissioners

President Commissioner: PrasetioCommissioner: Hasan M. SoedjonoCommissioner: Adita IrawatiCommissioner: Bambang Gutomo

Composition of the Board of Directors

President Director: Dewa Kadek Rai Director of Commerce and Cargo: Ichwan Agus Director of Operations: Erlangga Sakti Director of Human Capital: Arief Adhi Sanjaya

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