
JAKARTA - PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (BBCA) will hold an annual general meeting of shareholders (AGM) on March 17, 2022. At that event, the bank belonging to the conglomerate Hartono Brothers will discuss several important agendas.

Quoting BCA's announcement, Thursday 17 February, one of the company's AGM agenda is the use of part of its 2021 net profit as cash dividends. The value and percentage will be discussed at the AGM.

For comparison, last year BCA distributed dividends of IDR 530 per share, which is 48 percent of net profit in 2020.

In addition to the dividend agenda, BCA will also reshuffle its board of directors. Based on the company's statement, BCA will appoint Gregory Hendra Lembong as Vice President Director, replace the Director in charge of the Company's compliance function, which was previously held by Haryanto Tiara Budiman to be held by Lianawaty Suwono, and appoint Antonius Widodo Mulyono as Director.

The BCA AGMS will also discuss the honorarium and allowances for the members of the board of commissioners for the 2022 financial year. This includes setting bonuses for the commissioners and directors for the 2021 financial year.

As is known, BCA posted a net profit of IDR 31.4 trillion throughout 2021. This profit grew 15.8 percent on an annual basis.

Meanwhile, BCA's total assets rose 14.2 percent yoy to reach Rp1,228.3 trillion. BCA President Director Jahja Setiaatmadja appreciates the efforts of the government and authorities in controlling the pandemic and providing a stimulus package as an effort to restore the national economy.

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