
JAKARTA - In the history of the Indonesian nation, the young generation has proven to be able to provide bright ideas, sit in various important posts in this country and become the driving force of change. Now, with the same spirit, the application for mutual fund investment and Government Securities (SBN) for beginners,, invites young Indonesians who are studying at the university level to participate in a fintech business case competition titled Bibit Brainwars 2022.

Bibit Brainwars 2022 is the first and largest fintech business case competition in Indonesia. In this competition, each team consisting of three students, both from the same university or different universities, will be asked to solve the problems given by Bibit.

In an effort to solve these problems, the collaboration, creativity, and innovation abilities of the participants will be the main assessment components. Registration for the 2022 Brainwars Seeds has been open from 3 February 2022 and will end on 20 February 2022.

"In the midst of a pandemic that has lasted for the last two years, people's behavior, including investing, has changed from offline to online. Therefore, it is important for us to continue to innovate in providing the best digital services for our users. In Bibit Brainwars 2022, we invite fellow students to contribute and realize their innovative ideas," said Head of Digital Marketing Angie Anandita Tjhatra who is also one of the mentors in this competition, in a written statement, Tuesday, February 15.

Angie explained, there are several benefits that Bibit Brainwars 2022 participants will get, including the opportunity to present their ideas in front of Bibit's mentors and top management, internship opportunities or work at Bibit full time and realize their creative ideas as well as prizes. interesting money in the form of IDR 25 million for the first winner, IDR 20 million for the second winner, and IDR 15 million for the third winner. Registration for this competition can also be done free of charge.

To participate in Seeds of Brainwars 2022, participants need to form a team of three, which can be from the same or different faculties or universities. In order to enforce the health protocol as proclaimed by the government, this competition will be held 100 percent online.

After the registration period on 3-20 February 2022 ends, participants who pass will receive a notification from the Seedling team to then arrange a presentation according to the guidelines. In the third and fourth week of March 2022, the semi-finalists will make presentations and the chosen ones will receive coaching from competent mentors in their fields. Finally, in early April 2022, the finalists will present their ideas in front of Bibit's top management.

"The digital world promises unlimited opportunities. With collaboration, creativity, and innovation, we believe that useful ideas will be born through this competition. We invite fellow students throughout Indonesia to take advantage of this good opportunity, dare show off and have direct experience working in the financial services industry," concluded Angie.

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