
JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Trade Jerry Sambuaga revealed several reasons the millennial generation is enthusiastic about trading crypto assets based on studies and discussions with various communities.

"One of them is because the transaction has no restrictions. It doesn't have to be done domestically. All users can carry out blockchain activities, not only in Indonesia, but also abroad," said the Vice Minister of Trade in a chat on the Ministry of Trade's social media in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Tuesday 15 February.

In addition, according to the Vice Minister of Trade, Jerry, the activity of buying and selling crypto assets can be carried out for 24 hours or without a certain time limit, so that the scope is wider.

When compared to the exchange, he continued, a user needs to follow a certain time in carrying out buying and selling activities, so there is a certain time limit.

Then, another thing that also affects the number of young people doing crypto asset transactions is that many celebrities, artists, musicians, and public figures share their crypto asset transaction activities through social media.

"Well, for celebrities or artists who have a lot of followers, it has the potential to be followed by their followers. So more and more people are transacting crypto assets," said Deputy Minister of Trade Jerry.

The ease and speed of transactions is also considered to be one of the reasons the younger generation, who is synonymous with easy and fast, is busy transacting crypto.

Until January 2022, crypto asset customers registered to be able to transact crypto reached 11.2 million. Of this number, 90 percent are millennials with the age of 20-30 years.

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