
JAKARTA - Vice President KH Ma'ruf Amin supports the presence of the Sharia Young Entrepreneurs Association (Hipmi) to participate in developing the sharia economy in Indonesia.

Ma'ruf Amin made this statement when he met representatives of HIPMI Syariah, Sunday, February 13.

The Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, KH Ma'ruf Amin explained that he was very serious in developing the sharia economy in Indonesia. The principles of Islamic economics and finance are in line with the concept of sustainable development, which can contribute to the world in order to find solutions to various problems experienced by countries in the world today.

"With the birth of HIPMI Syariah, I hope to produce young entrepreneurs who practice sharia economic and business principles. I also give full support to the implementation of the HIPMI Syariah Conference and Roadshow," said KH Ma'ruf in a statement released by Hipmi, Monday, 14 February.

KH Ma'ruf Amin also revealed that the HIPMI Syariah Initiation is a tangible proof of HIPMI's contribution to broadcasting Islamic Economics and Finance.

"I will certainly welcome this movement positively, moreover it will also be implemented in big cities in Indonesia. I am also happy to inaugurate this event at the Vice President's Palace, and join HIPMI Syariah for a roadshow introducing Islamic economics and finance to the public," said KH Ma'ruf Amin.

Chairman of the Central Executive Board (BPP) of the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association (HIPMI), Mardani H Maming conveyed the seriousness of HIPMI in helping to revive the economy after the COVID-19 pandemic from the regions and one way to do that was with Sharia Economics.

"This pandemic period has not reduced the enthusiasm of the HIPMI ranks in contributing to regional and national economic development in general. I see how tourism and creative economy activities have a very large multiplier effect for the regional economy. HIPMI cadres will always be solutive entrepreneurs, not a problem. I believe that this spirit is in line with the spirit of sharia economics which wants to provide benefits for all those involved in it," said the former Regent of Tanah Bumbu.

Head of Finance of BPP HIPMI, Anggawira said that the initiation of HIPMI Syariah will be long term. The HIPMI Syariah Conference, which was attended from the Finance and Banking sector, HIPMI in the future, will be a sustainable movement to ground the Islamic economy.

"I am grateful that this good intention has now been supported by various parties from the government, SOEs, to the private sector. And hopefully with HIPMI Syariah, it can be a bridge to rise together to restore the Indonesian economy," said Anggawira who is also the general chairman of ASPEBINDO.

Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the HIPMI Syariah Conference, Ibnu Riyanto, explained the series of HIPMI Syariah activities. The HIPMI Syariah Conference which will be opened on March 28, 2022 at the Vice President's Palace is the beginning of a series of activities during 2022.

"HIPMI Syariah will also carry out Roadshows to major cities in Indonesia to convey the symbols of sharia economics, especially to young entrepreneurs throughout Indonesia. Hopefully this series of events can run well and have an impact on the Indonesian economy," said Ibnu Riyanto who also Founder of the Trusmi Group.

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