
JAKARTA - PT Satyamitra Kemas Lestari Tbk (SMKL), a company engaged in packaging made from cardboard or brown paper, continues to strengthen its sustainability business by planning to install solar panels to achieve the zero emission target. This also shows that SMKL is ready to welcome the carbon tax era in April 2022.

The plan to install solar panels is expected to save electricity costs by 5 percent-8 percent.

SMKL Marketing Director Herryanto Setiono Hidayat said, SMKL as a total integrated packaging solutions, focuses on sustainable business. One of the efforts is to install solar panels to reduce carbon emissions.

“This is also SMKL's effort to support the Government's program with the implementation of a carbon tax this year. It is hoped that this effort can continue to strengthen the SMKL sustainability business," said Herryanto in his statement quoted on Sunday, February 13.

Solar panels are a clean and environmentally friendly energy source by utilizing solar energy. Where in addition to reducing carbon emissions, this solar panel can also save the cost of electricity used. The plan is that the solar panels will be installed at their factories in Balaraja.

On the other hand, this year SMKL also plans to replace the boiler engine that uses coal with gas. In addition to welcoming the carbon tax era, this sustainability business effort is also in line with the Paris Agreement related to the global agreement for climate resilience and low emission development.

SMKL also strives to manage paper waste properly. SMKL collects waste paper to be sent back to the paper mill for recycling. In addition, SMKL has also received Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) sustainability certification because it has met the standard that SMKL products use raw materials from forests that have gone through good management.

This SMKL sustainability business strategy also aims to meet the customer standards of SMKL as a global packaging company. Where SMKL continues to get good performance growth by already gaining the trust of customers. This is because SMKL is able to meet various standards set, including in the sustainability business.

"SMKL will continue to meet various customer demands with the specified standards as a packaging provider with expertise in customized orders," added Herryanto.

In the future, SMKL will continue to strengthen the sustainability business to support zero emission and improve the performance of SMKL. In 2022, it is hoped that SMKL can achieve the performance growth target of 15 percent.

“Our effort to achieve this target is to provide total integrated packaging solutions with logistics. SMKL in addition to providing packaging, also has logistics and warehouse solutions. Along with this, SMKL also continues to improve its sustainability business with plans to install solar panels and various other sustainability principles," concluded Herryanto.

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