
JAKARTA - The government through PT PAL is said to have reached an agreement with the Naval Group, the leader of the European naval defense industry from France, regarding the development of Indonesian submarine production.

PT PAL President Director Kaharuddin Djenod said that this successful synergy was a sweet note for Indonesia.

"This is an important history for both countries," he said in a press statement received by VOI, Friday, February 11.

According to Kaharuddin, France's contribution to the Indonesian shipbuilding industry is not only important for the development of national manufacturing, but also aspects of defense and security.

"The French government is very serious in supporting the development of Indonesia's defense equipment capabilities. We who are in the ranks of PT PAL are proud to be an important part of this historic moment," he said.

On the same occasion, Naval Group CEO Pierre Eric Pommellet expressed his pleasure to participate in the advancement of the Indonesian ship industry and defense system. Moreover, the Indonesian Minister of Defense Prabowo Subianto showed his partiality in building the Indonesian defense equipment system.

"We welcome the cooperation in the submarine sector between PT PAL and the Naval Group. This step clearly strengthens the submarine program to meet the needs of the Indonesian Navy and strengthens the Indonesian navy and defense industry," he said.

For information, this strategic agreement was stated in the MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) which was signed on Thursday, February 10, witnessed by the Indonesian Minister of Defense Prabowo Subianto and the French Minister of the Armed Forces Florence Parly.

The two companies, PT PAL and Naval Group, emphasized the willingness of each party to further enhance collaboration and solutions. Later, there will be efforts to open a joint research and development center involving other Indonesian companies. This step is a strategy in the context of transferring knowledge of the technology mastered.

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