
JAKARTA - The government through the Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto said that structural reforms through Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation are still awaited by the business community despite a lawsuit to the Constitutional Court (MK).

According to Airlangga, even though the Constitutional Court declared conditionally unconstitutional, the government will continue to strive to maintain business climate certainty. This is the reason why entrepreneurs pay great attention to the structural reforms carried out by the government.

"Through the existing improvement process, we believe that the revision of the Job Creation Law can be carried out faster than the grace period given by the Constitutional Court," he said in an official statement quoted on Wednesday, February 9.

Airlangga added, one of the improvement steps taken was to regulate the omnibus method as a standard legal basis in the formation of laws and regulations.

In addition, the government also seeks to increase public participation (meaningful participation) to fulfill the rights of the community in the form of the right to be heard (right to be heard), the right to have their opinions considered (right to be considered), and the right to get an explanation or answer to the question. the opinion given (right to be explained).

In reviewing the substance, he continued, the government and the DPR have the opportunity to review several substances that have become objections from several community groups.

"As a follow-up, the revision of the Job Creation Law is included in the 2022 priority national legislation program," he said.

Airlangga is optimistic that the process that will run in the next two years is believed to not affect the confidence of the business world too much.

"The government is moving quickly to communicate positive developments from the law revision process to investors, especially in a direction that supports increased certainty, business confidence, and efficiency of the business climate," he said.

Furthermore, Coordinating Minister Airlangga asked business actors not to worry, considering that the certainty of activities from own investment has been covered by the legal umbrella of Law Number 25 of 2007 concerning Investment. Various bilateral trade and investment agreements will help ensure business certainty for foreign investors.

"Regarding business certainty, Indonesia has layered regulations that guarantee it. With a bilateral investment treaty and investment guarantees, investors are still guaranteed in Indonesia. And the policies that have been carried out starting from fiscal policy and others, the implementation remains because the arrangements already exist," concluded Coordinating Minister Airlangga.

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