JAKARTA - To encourage the Empowerment of MSMEs, in 2022 Bank DKI will start distributing People's Business Credit (KUR). This was marked by the signing of the People's Business Credit (KUR) Financing Cooperation Agreement (KUR) by Bank DKI with the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs which was attended directly by the Director of UMK Credit and Sharia Business, Babay Parid Wazdi, and Eddy Satriya, Deputy for Business Restructuring of the Ministry of Cooperatives. and SMEs.
This was conveyed by the Corporate Secretary of Bank DKI, Herry Djufraini in a written statement in Jakarta, Monday, February 7. Herry said that the participation of Bank DKI in distributing KUR is expected to support the empowerment of MSMEs in DKI Jakarta.
"By 2022, Bank DKI targets to be able to distribute KUR of IDR 1 trillion to MSME actors in the operational area of Bank DKI, both existing debtors, JakPreneur members, and Perumda Pasar Jaya traders," explained Herry.
The distribution of KUR is also carried out as one of Bank DKI's efforts to exceed the target of the Macroprudential Inclusion Financing Ratio (RPIM) which is set at 20 percent of the total loan and financing portfolio. The requirements for KUR applicants are quite easy where the KUR applicant submits an Identity Card (KTP), Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP), and has a business activity.
"The distribution of KUR by Bank DKI is expected to be one of the stimulus for economic growth in the country during the pandemic. The distribution of KUR is also a form of synergy between BUMD DKI Jakarta together with BUMN, DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and the Central Government in order to support the empowerment of MSMEs," he said. Harry.
Bank DKI continues to support economic recovery in the midst of the pandemic, especially for the micro business sector by channeling credit and micro financing including credit syndications and financing from 20 financial institutions, which include 18 BPD, 1 Private Bank, and BPKH, to PT Permodalan Nasional Madani (PNM) worth IDR 4 trillion, which will later be passed on to Ultra Micro, Micro, and Small Business actors who are members of the Mekaar PNM and ULaMM programs.
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