
JAKARTA - SOE Minister Erick Thohir will create a new ecosystem, namely an ecosystem related to clean water in order to improve clean water for the community and farmers. "We at BUMN are creating a new ecosystem, namely a clean water ecosystem. another month," said Erick Thohir in a national seminar at Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta City, Central Java, as followed online from Jakarta, Sunday. According to the Minister of SOEs, the Ministry of SOEs is very concerned about this clean water, because SOEs happen to also have the task of operating the reservoir. or dams, namely BUMN Perum Jasa Tirta I and Perum Jasa Tirta II. "I often call the directors of the two BUMNs again, because I want clean water to be repaired not only for residents' homes but also for farmers. meet the system. Because all of that was a system, if the system can be thought out carefully, it should be possible," he said. Erick Thoh Ir said that talking about clean water is impossible to solve problems related to clean water if the national agricultural system also continues to flood the water, because there is not enough water. Even though the new agriculture system is now with technology and others whose names are managing and reducing dependence on water, it can be done," said the Minister of SOEs.

Previously, the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing or PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono revealed that the issue of water resources is a very important issue, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic which has not ended. According to the Minister of PUPR, water is an important issue. Water resources continue to be depleted due to population growth and urbanization, the demand for an ever-increasing standard of living, competition for water use, land conversion and environmental pollution. Some of these problems have been exacerbated by the unfinished COVID-19 pandemic. The Minister of PUPR said that Indonesia's water availability on paper looks good, but when viewed in more detail regionally it is not evenly distributed. For example, on the island of Java, the availability of water seems sufficient if you look at the size of the island. But the island of Java bears the brunt of more than half of Indonesia's population.

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