
JAKARTA - Director of Planning and Infrastructure Development for New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Hendra Iswahyudi revealed a series of efforts made by the government to achieve the energy mix target set at 23 percent by 2025.

He said, many steps must be accelerated considering the achievement in 2021 which has only reached 11.5 percent.

"We need to accelerate efforts, considering that last year it only reached 11 percent, whereas in 2025 our target was 23 percent," he said when he was a speaker at the webinar "Is Indonesia Ready Towards an Energy Transition" held by IKAFH Undip, Saturday, February 5.

The strategy currently being carried out by the government is, among other things, finalizing the Presidential Regulation regarding NRE prices and balancing pricing in order to create a conducive climate among NRE developers.

"On the other hand, consumers can also get affordable prices," he added.

Hendra added, the government has also issued a Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Regulation (PermenESDM) regarding Rooftop Solar Power Plants, mandatory biofuels, fiscal and non-fiscal incentives for EBT by the Ministry of Finance, providing ease of business licensing.

"Another step is to adopt an electrifying lifestyle and encourage the use of induction cookers and electric vehicles," he added.

In addition, the government also plans to encourage and increase the consumption of electricity per capita which is still low when compared to neighboring countries.

"Our potential is huge but only 0.3 percent has been utilized. There are many sources, such as solar power plants, hydro, wind energy, geothermal and marine energy. It's just a matter of how the development will be," he concluded.

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