
PALANGKA RAYA - Financial Services (OJK) of Central Kalimantan Province encourages stakeholders in the local area to produce new innovations to support the development of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). can help MSMEs affected by the COVID-19 pandemic," said Central Kalimantan OJK Head Otto Fitriandy in Palangka Raya, Saturday, February 5. Attention and support for MSME actors is very important, because the MSME sector is one that has a major role in driving the regional economy. Many buying and selling transactions occur in the MSME sector, or many people choose to become MSME actors. For example, with policies that make the community's space more limited, so that it has an impact on decreasing the turnover of business actors. "For this reason, the support of stakeholders is needed, either by making program innovations that favor MSMEs, or buying the products they sell," he said. Otto said that one of the innovations that his party hopes for is the Regional National Crafts Council (Dekranasda) in collaboration with the Central Kalimantan Provincial Government. They provide a culinary stall called Dekranasda Kafe in the courtyard of the Central Borneo Souvenir gallery on Jalan Imam Bonjol, Palangka Raya every Friday. night and Saturday night. "This innovation, which was initiated by the Chairman of the Central Kalimantan Dekranasda Yulistra Ivo Sugianto Sabran, is very good, especially with its strategic location, helping and making it easier for MSMEs to sell their products," he explained. (CBS) is managed by Dekran asda Central Kalimantan and used for SMEs. In addition to free stalls, Dekranasda also provides table and chair facilities, electricity, and supporting facilities for visitors.

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