
JAKARTA - The owner of PT ASI Pudjiastuti Aviation or Susi Air, Susi Pudjiastuti, emphasized that there was no political element behind the Susi Air plane being forcibly evicted from Colonel RA Bessing Malinau Airport by the Regional Government of Malinau Regency, North Kalimantan, recently.

According to Susi, the problems Susi Air is facing are aviation business issues and have nothing to do with politics.

"I'm just asking my media friends, don't think differently than the Susi Air and aviation issues, there's no political element here, nothing, I don't think so either," he said at a virtual press conference, Friday, February 4.

Even so, Susi admitted that she was concerned about the actions of the Malinau regional government. He hopes that all parties can be wise and understand that the needs of the community are everything.

"But, yes, as the owner and seeing my child struggling, it's just sad to be concerned, I hope so, hopefully all will be wise and understand that the needs of the community are above all," he said.

According to Susi, she is currently just enjoying life. Meanwhile, the Susi Air company is managed by the board of directors and their daughter Nadine Kaiser.

"There's no politics, I don't get involved in politics, I'm on the beach enjoying sunset swimming, which Nadine (Corporate Secretary Susi Air) works with Mbak Meli and Pak Doni (Legal Counsel) and Pak Zul (Director of Susi Air)," he said.

The former Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries hopes that Susi Air can continue to serve the people of Malinau, especially the border areas between Krayan Long, Bawan Long, and Apung.

"Because if you use a speedboat, it's 8 hours if I'm not mistaken. If Susi Air can still fly, of course it will continue to help. We've been there since 2007-2008 as long time ago, it's been a long time and people are also used to Susi Air," he said.

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