
JAKARTA - Susi Air's attorney, Donal Fariz, said that his party was still calculating the amount of losses caused by the forced ejection of a Susi Air plane from Colonel RA Bessing Malinau Airport by the Regional Government of Malinau Regency, North Kalimantan, yesterday.

"This morning, Susi Air is taking inventory of damage and loss data due to yesterday's forced eviction at the Malinau Hangar. The number is still being calculated," said Donal, to VOI, Thursday, February 3.

According to Donal, the biggest concern for Susi Air is the risk of disrupting services to the people of Malinau and its surroundings due to actions that seem like 'show off power'.

In 2022, continued Donal, Susi Air serves flights to and from Malinau for 11 routes. This is what the parties who use excessive power may not think about.

"It is precisely the people of Malinau and its surroundings who are disturbed and disadvantaged," he explained.

Donal also emphasized that Susi Air respects the legal relationship that has been carried out so far with the regional government. However, according to him, it should also be realized that this is not just a business matter, but Susi Air is helping the government to serve the community from the air transportation sector.

"That's why we can't understand the forced actions taken yesterday. It is natural to ask questions, what is the bigger interest and who actually benefited from yesterday's forced evictions?," he said.

The following 11 flight routes are served by Susi Air:

Central Pioneer Flight1. Malinau-Long Bawan2. Malinau-Long Floating3. Malinau-Mahak Baru4. Malinau-Long Layu5. Malinau-Binuang6.Malinau-Long Alango7. Malinau-Long Punjungan8.Malinau-Data Dian9. Malinau-Long Sule

Regional Pioneer Flight10. Nunukan-Long Bawan (plane from Malinau)

Regular flights11. Malinau-Tarakan

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